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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-35671

DatabaseHolderImpl::closeAll can leave catalog in an incomplete state

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • 4.0.1, 4.1.1
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Storage
    • None
    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL
    • v4.0
    • Hide

      Running a replica set with --setParameter enableTestCommands=true:

      Shell 1:

      function setFailpointBool(failpointName, alwaysOn, times) {
          if (times) {
              return db.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: failpointName, mode: {"times": times}});
          } else if (alwaysOn) {
              return db.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: failpointName, mode: "alwaysOn"});
          } else {
              return db.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: failpointName, mode: "off"});
      setFailpointBool("hangAfterStartingIndexBuildUnlocked", true)
      db.coll.ensureIndex({a: 1, b: 1}, {background: true}) // Blocks because of failpoint

      Shell 2:

      db.adminCommand({restartCatalog: 1}) // fails with message: cannot perform operation: a background operation is currently running for database test
      db.adminCommand({restartCatalog: 1})
      Running a replica set with --setParameter enableTestCommands=true : Shell 1: function setFailpointBool(failpointName, alwaysOn, times) { if (times) { return db.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: failpointName, mode: { "times" : times}}); } else if (alwaysOn) { return db.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: failpointName, mode: "alwaysOn" }); } else { return db.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: failpointName, mode: "off" }); } } rs.initiate() setFailpointBool( "hangAfterStartingIndexBuildUnlocked" , true ) db.coll.ensureIndex({a: 1, b: 1}, {background: true }) // Blocks because of failpoint Shell 2: db.adminCommand({restartCatalog: 1}) // fails with message: cannot perform operation: a background operation is currently running for database test db.adminCommand({restartCatalog: 1})
    • Storage NYC 2018-07-02, Storage NYC 2018-07-16
    • 60

      As `closeAll` iterates and closes each individual database, it checks that the database has no background operations. If that check fails, a uassert is thrown. That uassert reaching the user implies the database is left in a state that is partially closed. In particular the databases returned by `StorageEngine::listDatabases` may not exist in a call to `DatabaseHolder::get`.

      Suggested fix: Move the `BackgroundOperation::assertNoBgOpInProgForDb` call to the previous scan that grabs the database names to close. I.e: assert the complete precondition before taking any actions.

            ben.judd Ben Judd
            daniel.gottlieb@mongodb.com Daniel Gottlieb (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
