New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Minor - P4
Affects Version/s: 3.4.16
Component/s: Security
Server Security
A lot of companies has their own DBA team,
And schema modification like create/drop index & collection task is responsible for DBA team. And DBA wants that schema change will be done by DBA only not Developer.
But current implementation of MongoDB, All CRUD(INSERT & UPDATE & DELETE & FIND) and schema change actions are included "readWrite" role. So CRUD and Schema-change action can not be separated when use builtin-role. We can make it with user-defined role, but user-defined role has some issues like https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-17513 (we should make user defined role for each database).
I think make another builtin-role is easy. so what do you think make pureReadWriteRole for this use case.
// Read-write role
readWriteRoleActions += readRoleActions;
<< ActionType::convertToCapped // db admin gets this also
<< ActionType::createCollection // db admin gets this also
<< ActionType::dropCollection
<< ActionType::dropIndex
<< ActionType::emptycapped
<< ActionType::createIndex
<< ActionType::insert
<< ActionType::remove
<< ActionType::renameCollectionSameDB // db admin gets this also
<< ActionType::update;
// Pure read-write role (only contains READ and insert & remote & update)
pureReadWriteRoleActions += readRoleActions;
<< ActionType::emptycapped
<< ActionType::insert
<< ActionType::remove
<< ActionType::update;