When execution a mongo shell script with the --quite option like this
> mongo --nodb --quiet myScript.js
the connection output is hidden when using the following connection commands in the script
// connect to database in script via
{{ var conn = new Mongo("myHost:27017");}}
{{ var db = conn.getDB("myDb");}}
{{ }}
{{ Unfortunately the (enhanced) output is not hidden when connecting to a Replica Set via}}
{{ }}
{{ var conn = new Mongo("mongodb://myHost01:27017,myHost02:27017,myHost03:27017/myDb?replicaSet=myDb-rs);}}
{{ var db = conn.getDB("myDb");}}
{{ or }}
{{ var db = connect("mongodb://myHost01:27017,myHost02:27017,myHost03:27017/myDb?replicaSet=myDb-rs");}}
{{ }}
{{ I would have expected that all the output that is done via connecting to a Replica Set would be hidden too.}}
- duplicates
SERVER-27159 shell logs output of ReplicaSetMonitorWatcher with --quiet
- Closed