Looks like one of the upsert syntaxes is misinterpreted on the server
(seems to be a server bug rather than a shell bug, I get the same
behavior in the Java driver). Before I enter this in JIRA, since I'm
not sure of the terminology, maybe someone could let me know if it's a
known bug. My comments after the //
> db.testcoll.drop();
{"nIndexesWas" : 1 , "msg" : "all indexes deleted for collection" , "ns" : "mfs.testcoll" , "ok" : 1}> db.testcoll.update({foo: {bar: 123}}, {"$inc": {"baz": 1}},
{upsert: true})
> db.testcoll.find()
{"_id" : ObjectId( "4ae725fd4666000000000f21") , "foo" :
{"bar" : 123} , "baz" : 1}
// we upsert an object with a foo field matching exactly the value
and containing no other fields. It doesn't exist so we
create it and increment "baz".
> db.testcoll.update(
{"foo.bar": 123}, {"$inc": {"baz": 1}},
{upsert: true})
> db.testcoll.find()
{"_id" : ObjectId( "4ae725fd4666000000000f21") , "foo" :
{"bar" : 123} , "baz" : 2}
// we upsert an object with a foo field containing a bar field whose
value is 123. It exists already so "baz" is incremented.
> db.testcoll.drop()
{"nIndexesWas" : 1 , "msg" : "all indexes deleted for collection" , "ns" : "mfs.testcoll" , "ok" : 1}> db.testcoll.update(
{"foo.bar": 123}, {"$inc": {"baz": 1}},
{upsert: true})
> db.testcoll.find()
// Again we upsert an object with a foo field containing a bar field
whose value is 123. It doesn't exist already. But this time the server
seems to misinterpret the query
and creates a new
record with the field "foo.bar", rather than a new record with the
field "foo" containing a subfield "bar".
- is depended on by
SERVER-453 $iset - set fields only on insert when upserting
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-492 when doing upsert with $filter, don't use $as new fields
- Closed