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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-39971

findAndModify in sharded transactions and readConcern “majority” miss existing record

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Gone away
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • ALL

      I created a sharded cluster with 1 mongos, 1 config server and three shards each with a single node replica set.

      I pre-load the data and the contended table in question has this index:

      {D_W_ID:1,  D_ID:1, D_NEXT_O_ID:1, D_TAX:1}, {unique:true}

      in addition to _id index. The collection is sharded with shard key

       {D_W_ID:1, D_ID:1} 

      The following two contended operations start majority of transactions:

      db.coll.findAndModify({D_W_ID:1, D_ID:1}, /* query */
           {$inc:{D_NEXT_O_ID:1}}, /* update */
           {sort:{D_NEXT_O_ID:-1}}, /* sort */
           {fields:{_id:0, D_NEXT_O_ID:1, D_TAX:1}}, /* projection */
      Ddb.coll.findAndModify({D_W_ID:1, D_ID:1}, /* query */
           {$inc:{D_SOMEOTHER_FIELD:1}} /* update */

      With readConcern “majority” every once in a while one of these two findAndModify commands matches 0 documents, which is impossible.


      There are no inserts, deletes or balancing happening to this collection, only lots of findAndModify and a very occasional find.

            asya.kamsky@mongodb.com Asya Kamsky
            asya.kamsky@mongodb.com Asya Kamsky
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