Resolution: Unresolved
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: Change streams
Query Execution
(copied to CRM)
Here are outputs for corresponding steps, What I need is to manipulate the deleted array item, but it seems not workable.
1) First , here is the initial data in the database,
there're 3 outer array items "test-0, test-1, test-2" with each has 3 inner array items "nest-test-0,nest-test-1,nest-test-3":
{ "_id": "5cf7553cc6b365a5c72f2163", "opendaylight-mdsal-binding-test:top": { "top-level-list": [ { "name": "test-0", "nested-list": [ {"name": "nest-test-0", "type": "nest-type-0"}, {"name": "nest-test-1", "type": "nest-type-1"}, {"name": "nest-test-2", "type": "nest-type-2"} ], "simple": "simple-case" }, { "name": "test-1", "nested-list": [ {"name": "nest-test-0", "type": "nest-type-0"}, {"name": "nest-test-1", "type": "nest-type-1"}, {"name": "nest-test-2", "type": "nest-type-2"} ], "simple": "simple-case" }, { "name": "test-2", "nested-list": [ {"name": "nest-test-0", "type": "nest-type-0"}, {"name": "nest-test-1", "type": "nest-type-1"}, {"name": "nest-test-2", "type": "nest-type-2"} ], "simple": "simple-case" } ] } }
2) Next , I pull one nested array item by calling 'collection.updateOne(...)' where 'Update' and 'UpdateOptions' like:
Update{fieldName='opendaylight-mdsal-binding-test:top.top-level-list.$[item0].nested-list', operator='$pull', value=Document{{name=nest-test-2}}} UpdateOptions{upsert=true, bypassDocumentValidation=null, collation=null, arrayFilters=[And Filter{filters=[Filter{fieldName='item0.name', value=test-0}]}]}
It's clear above that I specify the '$[item0]' with 'Filter{fieldName='item0.name', value=test-0}' to delete the inner array item 'nest-test-2' from outer array item 'test-0'.
3) After step 2), finally I recieve the change event:
ChangeStreamDocument { resumeToken = { "_data": "825CF75C47000000022B022C0100296E5A10042A6A4D3FE1F64145A8D27037F0BA45BD46645F696400645CF75C47D4CE6723E929EA0B0004" }, namespace = configuration.urn: opendaylight: params: xml: ns: yang: mdsal: test: binding @2014 - 07 - 01, fullDocument = Document{ { _id = 5cf75c47d4ce6723e929ea0b, opendaylight - mdsal - binding - test: top = Document{ {top - level - list = [ Document{ {name = test - 0, nested - list = [ Document{{name = nest - test - 0, type = nest - type - 0}}, Document{{name = nest - test - 1, type = nest - type - 1}} ], simple = simple - case} }, Document{ {name = test - 1, nested - list = [ Document{{name = nest - test - 0, type = nest - type - 0}}, Document{{name = nest - test - 1, type = nest - type - 1}}, Document{{name = nest - test - 2, type = nest - type - 2}} ], simple = simple - case} }, Document{ {name = test - 2, nested - list = [ Document{{name = nest - test - 0, type = nest - type - 0}}, Document{{name = nest - test - 1, type = nest - type - 1}}, Document{{name = nest - test - 2, type = nest - type - 2}} ], simple = simple - case} } ]} } } }, documentKey = {"_id": {"$oid": "5cf75c47d4ce6723e929ea0b"}}, clusterTime = Timestamp{value = 6698924430749335554, seconds = 1559714887, inc = 2}, operationType = OperationType{value = 'update'}, updateDescription = UpdateDescription { removedFields = [], updatedFields = { "opendaylight-mdsal-binding-test:top.top-level-list.0.nested-list": [ {"name": "nest-test-0", "type": "nest-type-0"}, {"name": "nest-test-1", "type": "nest-type-1"} ] } } }
From the output we can see that it's an 'update' operation type and the 'updatedFields' is :
{"opendaylight-mdsal-binding-test:top.top-level-list.0.nested-list": [{"name": "nest-test-0", "type": "nest-type-0"}, {"name": "nest-test-1", "type": "nest-type-1"}]}}
Note 'updatedFields' above just provides data after '$pull', but I really need to see detail deleted data information "what I delete from where", an idealy output I would prefer is like kind of :
{"opendaylight-mdsal-binding-test:top.top-level-list.0.nested-list": [{ "array-filter": {"0": {"name": "test-0"}}, "pulled":{"name": "nest-test-2", "type": "nest-type-2"}, "current": {"name": "nest-test-0", "type": "nest-type-0"}, {"name": "nest-test-1", "type": "nest-type-1"}]}} }
In this way , with 'array-filter' and 'pulled' fields, I could get the deleted data and notify listeners just like 'DataTreeChangeService' does:
- backports
JAVA-3228 Watch with project pipeline didn't work correctly.
- Closed
- is related to
SERVER-36941 Option to provide "before image" with change streams
- Closed
SERVER-58272 Change Streams for complex nested fields
- Closed
- links to