Add testing that uses collection names in the command object in the following ways while operating in various modes (standalone, replica set, sharding):
- The command object is well below the BSON document limit.
- The command object is at the BSON document limit.
- The command object exceeds the BSON document limit.
Additionally, test collection names of large sizes similar to common page sizes (just under and just over): 4k, 32k, 128k. Occasionally the name is stored in WiredTiger’s metadata so it would be beneficial to add testing around these boundaries.
- depends on
SERVER-41694 Remove the restriction on collection name length
- Closed
SERVER-42639 Rollback should use the collection UUID and not its name to create directories
- Closed
SERVER-42740 If the 'top' command fails due to BSONObjectTooLarge in testing, then fail the test silently
- Closed
- is related to
SERVER-42629 Duplicate 'ns' field in the DurableCatalog
- Backlog