Resolution: Duplicate
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: 4.0.4
Component/s: Aggregation Framework
Environment:Windows Server 2016
MongoDB 4.0.4
Fully Compatible
I was working with mongo db on my project for quite some time using test pre-generated data, until i insert this record, and i found something strange, the data returned in middle of list...?
shouldn't it be sorted? shouldn't it comes last or first? in inserted order... after some search i found that the data my return in any order and i need to sort it...
so i did the sorting at one of beginning stage, before $lookup, but still it was wrong, i move it to last, and it worked, so i push sort down stage by stage, until i caught it causing trouble at one of the middle stages, right before $group stage...
but the issue is not grouping, it is that i group by _id... fixing one of my issue that you may had another answer for it, but i did it this way... and now i found $group guilty.
In trivial way, the _id is one (I mean there is no duplication version), and it scan in order, shouldn't it result in order too?
Generated by Studio 3T
// Requires official MongoShell 3.6+ use realEstate; db.getCollection("basePlace").aggregate( [ { "$lookup" : { "from" : "humanResource.user", "localField" : "UserId", "foreignField" : "_id", "as" : "User" } }, { "$unwind" : { "path" : "$User", "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays" : true } }, { "$addFields" : { "User.ProfilePictures" : { "$map" : { "input" : "$User.ProfilePictures", "as" : "pp", "in" : { "ImageId" : "$$pp.ImageId", "CloudinaryUrl" : "$$pp.CloudinarySecureUrl", "IsMain" : "$$pp.IsMain", "Title" : "$$pp.Title", "Description" : "$pp.Description" } } }, "Images" : { "$map" : { "input" : "$Images", "as" : "pp", "in" : { "ImageId" : "$$pp.ImageId", "CloudinaryUrl" : "$$pp.CloudinarySecureUrl", "IsMain" : "$$pp.IsMain", "Title" : "$$pp.Title", "Description" : "$pp.Description" } } }, "Maps" : { "$map" : { "input" : "$Maps", "as" : "pp", "in" : { "ImageId" : "$$pp.ImageId", "CloudinaryUrl" : "$$pp.CloudinarySecureUrl", "IsMain" : "$$pp.IsMain", "Title" : "$$pp.Title", "Description" : "$pp.Description" } } } } }, { "$addFields" : { "User.ProfilePictures" : { "$cond" : [ { "$and" : [ { "$ne" : [ "User.ProfilePictures", undefined ] }, { "$ne" : [ "User.ProfilePictures", null ] } ] }, { "$cond" : [ { "$ne" : [ { "$indexOfArray" : [ "$User.ProfilePictures.IsMain", true ] }, -1.0 ] }, { "$arrayElemAt" : [ "$User.ProfilePictures", { "$indexOfArray" : [ "$User.ProfilePictures.IsMain", true ] } ] }, { "$arrayElemAt" : [ "$User.ProfilePictures", 0.0 ] } ] }, null ] }, "Images" : { "$cond" : [ { "$and" : [ { "$ne" : [ "Images", undefined ] }, { "$ne" : [ "Images", null ] } ] }, { "$cond" : [ { "$ne" : [ { "$indexOfArray" : [ "$Images.IsMain", true ] }, -1.0 ] }, { "$arrayElemAt" : [ "$Images", { "$indexOfArray" : [ "$Images.IsMain", true ] } ] }, { "$arrayElemAt" : [ "$Images", 0.0 ] } ] }, null ] }, "Maps" : { "$cond" : [ { "$and" : [ { "$ne" : [ "Maps", undefined ] }, { "$ne" : [ "Maps", null ] } ] }, { "$cond" : [ { "$ne" : [ { "$indexOfArray" : [ "$Maps.IsMain", true ] }, -1.0 ] }, { "$arrayElemAt" : [ "$Maps", { "$indexOfArray" : [ "$Maps.IsMain", true ] } ] }, { "$arrayElemAt" : [ "$Maps", 0.0 ] } ] }, null ] } } }, { "$sort" : { "_id" : -1.0 } }, { "$group" : { "_id" : "$_id", "Images" : { "$push" : "$Images" }, "Maps" : { "$push" : "$Maps" }, "allData" : { "$first" : "$$ROOT" } } }, { "$addFields" : { "allData.Images" : "$Images", "allData.Maps" : "$Maps" } }, { "$replaceRoot" : { "newRoot" : "$allData" } } ], { "allowDiskUse" : false } );
- duplicates
SERVER-24799 $group aggregation command should maintain document order
- Closed
- is duplicated by
SERVER-43030 sort before group, without changing key...
- Closed