New Feature
Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: Aggregation Framework
details forthcoming
- depends on
SERVER-4650 Malformed aggregation runCommand invocation crashes mongod process
- Closed
SERVER-3396 aggregation: $add with strings puts constants at the end
- Closed
SERVER-4359 Non-atomic reference counting in threaded aggregation.
- Closed
SERVER-4384 Grouping by incorrect projected field crashes mongod
- Closed
SERVER-4389 Wrong $eq format crashes
- Closed
SERVER-4508 In new aggregation framework, when execute $unwind for an empty array ([]), got assertion exception ("exception: assertion db/pipeline/document_source_unwind.cpp:165")
- Closed
SERVER-4674 aggregation: treat undefined values the same as null values
- Closed
SERVER-4738 aggregation: field inclusion in $group _id is not accepting integral types
- Closed
SERVER-4844 can't killop an aggregation operation
- Closed
SERVER-4843 non user friendly assertion with skip:0
- Closed
SERVER-3253 aggregation: unsharded support $out
- Closed
SERVER-3862 aggregation: add $first and $last group functions
- Closed
SERVER-4435 aggregation: need a function to reconsitute ISODates from constituent parts
- Closed
SERVER-10097 aggregation: support $out on a sharded cluster
- Closed
SERVER-3257 aggregation: create real error numbers
- Closed
SERVER-3258 aggregation: assertion failure on empty document
- Closed
SERVER-3292 aggregation: add a limit option for $sort
- Closed
SERVER-3548 use field path prefix consistently on rhs expressions
- Closed
SERVER-3832 aggregation: early $sort should be optimized to use an index if possible
- Closed
SERVER-3855 aggregation: finalize command name
- Closed
SERVER-3856 aggregation: $unwind should be a separate pipeline operator
- Closed
SERVER-3857 aggregation: finalize name of $unwind
- Closed
SERVER-3858 aggregation: finalize name of $project
- Closed
SERVER-3860 aggregation: uassert on sorts where the data size exceeds 10% of physical RAM
- Closed
SERVER-3861 aggregation: make $skip and $limit top-level pipeline operators
- Closed
SERVER-3865 aggregation: finalize field reference symbol (i.e., $, or something else?)
- Closed
SERVER-3881 aggregation: $group _id should support being a constant to support count(*)
- Closed
SERVER-3884 aggregation: add automated tests for sharded setups
- Closed
SERVER-3252 aggregation: allow _id to be a non-structured type
- Closed
SERVER-3859 aggregation: if future updates use the aggregation expression syntax, are injection attacks a danger?
- Closed
- is related to
SERVER-326 Optimize MapReduce processing
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-4961 $group is taking 2x as long as collection.group()
- Closed
SERVER-4438 aggregation: support nested pipelines on array-valued fields
- Backlog
SERVER-4929 aggregation: $group should have a $median accumulator
- Backlog
SERVER-828 Support for selecting array elements in return specifier (projection)
- Closed
SERVER-2293 Distinct can't process more than one key
- Closed
SERVER-4434 aggregation: add strptime functionality to parse string dates into ISODates
- Closed
SERVER-4437 aggregation: support windowing operation on pipelines
- Closed
SERVER-4504 aggregation: need an explain facility
- Closed
SERVER-4899 aggregation: need an expression to give the size of an array in projections
- Closed
SERVER-4507 aggregation: optimize $group to take advantage of sorted sequences
- Backlog
SERVER-4445 aggregation: use a string table to reduce field name storage when using aggregation
- Closed
SERVER-4506 aggregation: optimize by pushing matches to earlier in a pipeline
- Closed
SERVER-4644 aggregation: optimize memory utilitzation by selective reification of documents
- Closed
SERVER-4656 aggregation: optimize sort/limit combination to only sort top-n items
- Closed
SERVER-4816 aggregation: optimize $sort on sharded setup to do a proper merge on mongos
- Closed
SERVER-4930 aggregation: use dependency information to satisfy pipelines with index-only scans when possible
- Closed