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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-45058

currentOp "active" should go false when internal services block on condvars

    • Minor Change

      Currently, the currentOp output sets "active" to true for a particular Op if the Op's Client has an associated OperationContext. With the introduction of the waitForConditionOrInterrupt family of functions, we now have several internal service threads that spend most of their lives blocked waiting for a condvar to be signaled – but to do so requires an OperationContext, so these threads show up as "active" in the currentOp output. This is confusing and makes the utility of the "active" field pretty useless. It would be better if we could fix this behavior so "active" is false for these threads if they are blocked.

            amirsaman.memaripour@mongodb.com Amirsaman Memaripour
            milkie@mongodb.com Eric Milkie
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