Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: Index Maintenance, MMAPv1
Storage Execution
It looks like we currently have two methods for updating btree cursors when a btree bucket is deallocated.
Method 1: If a ClientCursor with a non null refLoc has been configured for the BtreeCursor, bucket deallocation will trigger a callback to the cursor and invalidate its keyOfs property, causing the cursor to relocate its position when checkLocation() is called.
Method 2: When a bucket is deallocated its n value is set to -1, causing the cursor to relocate its position when checkLocation() is called. If the bucket is reused for the same btree before checkLocation() gets called, checkLocation() will still do the right thing. In order for Method 2 to work correctly, the data at the bucket's disk loc must be either an allocated bucket within the correct btree, or the bit representation of a deallocated bucket. In particular:
- The deallocated bucket's disk loc must not point to a non bucket (the middle of a bucket or certain types of unallocated regions in the extent).
- The extent containing the old bucket must not be unmapped or reused for another index or collection.
Method 1 is employed when yielding and in some but not all update and remove operations. The bucket resetting portion of Method 2 is employed in all cases, but the consequences of this behavior only matter when Method 1 is not employed.
I think it's possible that Method 2 was designed with the idea that an update or delete operation would not cause a btree bucket allocation, but that is not a correct assumption. Both update and delete can cause a btree bucket allocation.
I would recommend the following todos:
- Figure out if the assumptions relating to bucket deallocation for Method 2 are valid in our implementation and will remain valid in the future.
- Decide if we want to stick with just Method 1 or just Method 2 rather than continue to use both. Method 1 is a bit more heavy weight because it requires iterating through all cursors when a bucket is deleted. Method 2 has some potentially fragile dependencies on handling of deallocated buckets and the record storage engine.
- If we decide to go with just one method, improve it if necessary to fill the gaps currently handled by the other method. (If we pick Method 1 we would need to utilize it for all updates and deletes.)
- If necessary, remove any improper debugging asserts or logs. For example the current:
DEV tlog() << "debug warning: no cursors found in informAboutToDeleteBucket()" << endl;
is incorrect because it assumes Method 1 is the only bucket deletion handling method in use.
- related to
SERVER-3803 btree cursor check location / key at check is invalid for v0 index
- Closed