During a stepdown, the server logs look like this:
I INDEX [conn2] Index build received interrupt signal{"buildUUID":{"uuid":{"$uuid":"35f19a17-f2e6-435d-ab18-97894162f02e"}},"signal":{"code":11602,"codeName":"InterruptedDueToReplStateChange","errmsg":"operation was interrupted"}} I INDEX [conn2] Index build ignoring interrupt and continuing in background{"buildUUID":{"uuid":{"$uuid":"35f19a17-f2e6-435d-ab18-97894162f02e"}}} I INDEX [conn2] Index build failed{"buildUUID":{"uuid":{"$uuid":"35f19a17-f2e6-435d-ab18-97894162f02e"}},"ex":{"code":11602,"codeName":"InterruptedDueToReplStateChange","errmsg":"operation was interrupted"}}
These log messages are contradictory because we report the index build as failing immediately after saying it will continue in the background.
- is duplicated by
SERVER-49440 Don't log that an index build failed if it is still running after a repl state change
- Closed
- is related to
SERVER-48227 review log messages for index build
- Closed