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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-4770

ensureIndex with unique and dropDups on multi-key field with multiple duplicates fails

    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL

      Test case:

      db.foo.insert({x: [1,2]}) 
      db.foo.insert({x: [1,2]}) 
      db.foo.ensureIndex({x:1}, {unique:true, dropDups:true})

      Results in dropping (some of) the duplicates but not creating the index:

      Tue Jan 24 22:02:24 [conn1] Assertion: 10334:Invalid BSONObj size: -286331154 (0xEEEEEEEE) first element: _id: ObjectId('4f1f70c01ef6a89e507a79b5')
      0x1000873ed 0x10000b071 0x100407f49 0x10040a3f9 0x10040b22a 0x10040c060 0x10040d51a 0x10040eca6 0x1003d65dc 0x1003e308f 0x1003e5679 0x10060d574 0x1001495e2 0x100614734 0x7fff8fdfc8bf 0x7fff8fdffb75 
       0   mongod                              0x00000001000873ed _ZN5mongo11msgassertedEiPKc + 333
       1   mongod                              0x000000010000b071 _ZNK5mongo7BSONObj14_assertInvalidEv + 1057
       2   mongod                              0x0000000100407f49 _ZN5mongo11DataFileMgr12deleteRecordEPKcPNS_6RecordERKNS_7DiskLocEbbb + 1945
       3   mongod                              0x000000010040a3f9 _ZN5mongo14fastBuildIndexEPKcPNS_16NamespaceDetailsERNS_12IndexDetailsEi + 1689
       4   mongod                              0x000000010040b22a _ZN5mongo12buildAnIndexESsPNS_16NamespaceDetailsERNS_12IndexDetailsEib + 938
       5   mongod                              0x000000010040c060 _ZN5mongo16insert_makeIndexEPNS_16NamespaceDetailsERKSsRKNS_7DiskLocE + 448
       6   mongod                              0x000000010040d51a _ZN5mongo11DataFileMgr6insertEPKcPKvibbPb + 1050
       7   mongod                              0x000000010040eca6 _ZN5mongo11DataFileMgr16insertWithObjModEPKcRNS_7BSONObjEb + 70
       8   mongod                              0x00000001003d65dc _ZN5mongo14checkAndInsertEPKcRNS_7BSONObjE + 172
       9   mongod                              0x00000001003e308f _ZN5mongo14receivedInsertERNS_7MessageERNS_5CurOpE + 639
       10  mongod                              0x00000001003e5679 _ZN5mongo16assembleResponseERNS_7MessageERNS_10DbResponseERKNS_11HostAndPortE + 4457
       11  mongod                              0x000000010060d574 _ZN5mongo16MyMessageHandler7processERNS_7MessageEPNS_21AbstractMessagingPortEPNS_9LastErrorE + 148
       12  mongod                              0x00000001001495e2 _ZN5mongo3pms9threadRunEPNS_13MessagingPortE + 754
       13  mongod                              0x0000000100614734 thread_proxy + 132
       14  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8fdfc8bf _pthread_start + 335
       15  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8fdffb75 thread_start + 13
      Tue Jan 24 22:02:24 [conn1] insert test.system.indexes exception: Invalid BSONObj size: -286331154 (0xEEEEEEEE) first element: _id: ObjectId('4f1f70c01ef6a89e507a79b5') code:10334 63ms

      This can be worked around by setting


      because it uses a different code path. Building the index in the foreground adds the same document to the list of docs to delete for each duplicate which can result in trying to delete the same document twice.

            dan@mongodb.com Daniel Pasette (Inactive)
            dan@mongodb.com Daniel Pasette (Inactive)
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