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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-48349

Compact command execution Time is more

    • Type: Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Community Answered
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Storage
    • None

      Dear Team,
      We are using the compact command inorder to reduce the storage space of data and index. 

      As we have upgraded MongoDB version from MongoDB-3.4.0 to MongoDB-3.6.17.

      We observed that the command compact execution time is more with MongoDB-3.6  and it took very less time with MongoDB-3.4.

      We need your Support to confirm that the execution time for 
      compact command is more with MongoDB-3.6.

      Below are the environment details

      1. OS: Windows 10, architecture: "x64", 
      2. Platform: "Java/AdoptOpenJDK/11.0.6"
      3. mongodb Journals are enabled by default
      4. Mongod server version: db version v3.6.17

      Kindly confirm this.

      Thanks & Regards


        1. 3.4.png
          232 kB
          Carl Champain
        2. 3.6.png
          291 kB
          Carl Champain

            dmitry.agranat@mongodb.com Dmitry Agranat
            ram.pamudurthi@gmail.com mohan mohan
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