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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-55612

Improve handling of $geonear+$or when all $or clauses involve the same $near key

    • Type: Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Priority: Icon: Trivial - P5 Trivial - P5
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 4.4.0
    • Component/s: None

      I'm using MongoDB 4.4 pipeline aggregate to retrieve documents sorted by distance from a collection of around 1.5M documents. While I'm only retrieving 12 documents at the time, I CANNOT limit the maxDistance used as I'm sorting and paging results.

      The following query is very slow (unless the second argument in the $or sub-query is removed). The culprit is clearly the $or sub-query. Running the $or sub-query independently yields very fast results so I suspect it has to do with the combination of $geonear and $or.

      I have created indices created for location, reference and _id of course. I also have composite indices for all three

      db.mydocs.aggregate([{ "$geoNear": { "query": { "$or": [{ "_id": { "$in": ["2cf98ef9-419b-4e77-b556-631837d429dc"] } }, { "reference": "6013eb0ab006f82c6bf54003" } ] }, "maxDistance": 3.1357118857747963, "distanceMultiplier": 6378.137, "near": [-0.12775, 51.50735], "spherical": true, "distanceField": "distance", "key": "location" } }, { "$skip": 0 }, { "$limit": 12 } ])

      I cannot understand why this query is slow when I have created the appropriate indexes. Using explain() shows that a composite index is being used but the query is still too slow.

      This was also report on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66576357/mongodb-aggregate-geonear-function-very-slow-when-using-with-or-sub-query


            svilen.mihaylov@mongodb.com Svilen Mihaylov (Inactive)
            aphtechme@gmail.com Al Han
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            7 Start watching this issue
