Resolution: Fixed
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Fully Compatible
Query Execution 2021-05-31
The query_fuzzer_sharded picked up on this. I haven't figured out exactly what the problem is yet, but here is a simple repro:
(function() { "use strict"; const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1}); const db = st.s.getDB("test"); const shardKey = { num: 1, "obj.str": "hashed" }; assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection("c")); const coll = db.c; assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex(shardKey)); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({enableSharding: "test"})); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({ shardCollection: coll.getFullName(), key: shardKey, })); assert.eq([], coll.find({num: {$in: [/myRegex/, 1]}}).sort({"obj.obj.obj": 1}).toArray()); st.stop(); }());
Note that although this is an "undefined slot accessor" error which can happen in the query fuzzer, it looks like a separate issue from SERVER-56506.
One thing I noticed is that this does not repro unless the $in match expression has a regular expression as one of its arguments. Perhaps some special code in the SBE stage builders for $in with a regex plays badly with how we construct the plan for shard filtering? Just guessing based on the nature of the repro.