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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-57486

Prevent periodic index checks in transactions_stale_shard_version_errors.js test

    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL
    • v5.0
    • Sharding EMEA 2021-07-26, Sharding EMEA 2021-08-09
    • 34

      transactions_stale_shard_version_errors.js attempts to provoke a StaleConfig exception inside a transaction by blocking catalog cache refreshes on a specific shard.

      On CSRS stepdown suites blocking the catalog cache refreshes after the migration it is not enough to cause the StaleConfig exception. In fact the CSRS on stepUp execute the PeriodicShardedIndexConsistencyChecker that in turn it triggers a refresh on the shards. So if this happens after the test has migrated the chunk but before test test had stopped the refreshes on the shard, the transaction would succeed.

      For this reason we should blacklist this test from the CSRS stepdown suite.

            marcos.grillo@mongodb.com Marcos José Grillo Ramirez
            tommaso.tocci@mongodb.com Tommaso Tocci
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