Re: BF-22685
Presently the mock_ocsp_responder shell component output looks like this:
[js_test:ocsp_must_staple] sh73536| Initializing OCSP Responder [js_test:ocsp_must_staple] sh73536| * Serving Flask app "mock_ocsp_responder" (lazy loading) [js_test:ocsp_must_staple] sh73536| * Environment: production [js_test:ocsp_must_staple] sh73536| WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. [js_test:ocsp_must_staple] sh73536| Use a production WSGI server instead. [js_test:ocsp_must_staple] sh73536| * Debug mode: off [js_test:ocsp_must_staple] sh73536| * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
We need to update mock_ocsp_responder to output details of requests and responses, so that it is easier to understand what exactly is going on during failed tests