Resolution: Unresolved
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: Sharding
Catalog and Routing
Sharding EMEA 2021-11-29, Sharding EMEA 2021-12-13, Sharding EMEA 2021-12-27
Gossiping the cluster time for causally consistent client sessions ensures causality for queries but it's not enough to ensure causality for sharded metadata operations.
- One client communicating with 2 routers A and B
- Router A performs shardCollection on db.coll
- Router B receives a query forĀ db.coll, refreshes from the CSRS with nearest read preference and read concern with minimum last known config time
- The CSRS secondary serving the refresh still didn't replicate the config.collections entry for db.coll
- Router B treats db.coll as unsharded collection
At some point, router B will get to know that db.coll is sharded (e.g. after targeting the primary). However, gossiping the configOpTime and the topologyTime to the client would have allowed the second router to be causally consistent when refershing with afterClusterTime >= last known configOpTime.
- is duplicated by
SERVER-54979 Calling move/split/mergeChunk after one another from different MongoS is not causally consistent
- Closed
SERVER-61981 supporting_unique_index_check_is_versioned.js assumes that a refresh always reads from the primary node of the CSRS
- Closed