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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-6200

some $or queries not optimized properly

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 2.0.6
    • Component/s: Querying
    • None
    • Environment:
    • ALL

      The execution plan generated for certain $or queries is amendable:

      > db.domain.ensureIndex(

      { key: 1 }

      > db.domain.find( { $or: [
      { key:

      { $gte: 722156315770, $lt: 722156332548 }

      }, { key:

      { $gte: 722156333548, $lt: 722156349325 }

      }, { key:

      { $gte: 722156416434, $lt: 722156433211 }

      { key:

      { $in : [ -922337203685477, -230584300921369, -154023107256070, 115292150460684, 153726349067734, 461172215037663 ] }

      ] } ).explain();


      { clauses: [
      { cursor: "BtreeCursor key_1", ..., indexBounds:

      { key: [ [ 722156315770, 722156332548 ] ] }

      { cursor: "BtreeCursor key_1", ..., indexBounds:

      { key: [ [ 722156333548, 722156349325 ] ] }

      { cursor: "BtreeCursor key_1", ..., indexBounds:

      { key: [ [ 722156416434, 722156433211 ] ] }

      { cursor: "BtreeCursor key_1 multi", ..., indexBounds:

      { key: [ [ -922337203685477, -922337203685477 ], [ -230584300921369, -230584300921369 ], [ -154023107256070, -154023107256070 ], [ 115292150460684, 115292150460684 ], [ 153726349067734, 153726349067734 ], [ 461172215037663, 461172215037663 ] ] }

      } ],

      This is according to the docs but slow, nonetheless. I would expect the following plan

      { cursor: "BtreeCursor key_1 multi", ..., indexBounds:

      { key: [ [ -922337203685477, -922337203685477 ], [ -230584300921369, -230584300921369 ], [ -154023107256070, -154023107256070 ], [ 722156315770, 722156332548 ], [ 722156333548, 722156349325 ], [ 722156416434, 722156433211 ], [ 115292150460684, 115292150460684 ], [ 153726349067734, 153726349067734 ], [ 461172215037663, 461172215037663 ] ] }


      Which would almost halve the execution time (measured against a modified mongod where I patched the optimizer).

      Instead of modifying the optimizer, an alternative could also be to extend $in to accept ranges as well.

            aaron Aaron Staple (Inactive)
            bjornkarge Björn Karge
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