• Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • 2.2.0-rc0
    • Affects Version/s: 2.1.2
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • ALL

      Observed behavior: The ttl thread seg faults if a collection is dropped between the system.indexes query and construction of the Client::WriteLock for the collection.
      Expected behavior: no seg fault

      If a collection observed in the system.indexes scan is dropped, the subsequent call to nsdetails() will return NULL causing a seg fault.

      Test (note I dropped the ttl timeout to 1 second to reproduce easily):

      c = db.c;
      while( 1 ) {
          c.ensureIndex( { a:1 }, { expireAfterSeconds:60 } );


      Mon Jun 25 18:47:34 Invalid access at address: 0x1a4 from thread: TTLMonitor
      Mon Jun 25 18:47:34 Got signal: 11 (Segmentation fault: 11).
      Mon Jun 25 18:47:34 Backtrace:
      0x104ac94b5 0x10477bdbe 0x10477bad9 0x10744acfa 0x104791023 0x104ab6e84 0x104ab5500 0x104a4acf8 0x104a4cb93 0x104a4cc92 0x104a4cd64 0x104a4cd8f 0x104d2de69 0x1073f68bf 0x1073f9b75 
       0   mongod                              0x0000000104ac94b5 _ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo + 37
       1   mongod                              0x000000010477bdbe _ZN5mongo10abruptQuitEi + 446
       2   mongod                              0x000000010477bad9 _ZN5mongo24abruptQuitWithAddrSignalEiP9__siginfoPv + 537
       3   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x000000010744acfa _sigtramp + 26
       4   mongod                              0x0000000104791023 _ZStltIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEbRKSbIT_T0_T1_ES8_ + 35
       5   mongod                              0x0000000104ab6e84 _ZN5mongo10TTLMonitor10doTTLForDBERKSs + 3742
       6   mongod                              0x0000000104ab5500 _ZN5mongo10TTLMonitor3runEv + 726
       7   mongod                              0x0000000104a4acf8 _ZN5mongo13BackgroundJob7jobBodyEN5boost10shared_ptrINS0_9JobStatusEEE + 1292
       8   mongod                              0x0000000104a4cb93 _ZNK5boost4_mfi3mf1IvN5mongo13BackgroundJobENS_10shared_ptrINS3_9JobStatusEEEEclEPS3_S6_ + 155
       9   mongod                              0x0000000104a4cc92 _ZN5boost3_bi5list2INS0_5valueIPN5mongo13BackgroundJobEEENS2_INS_10shared_ptrINS4_9JobStatusEEEEEEclINS_4_mfi3mf1IvS4_S9_EENS0_5list0EEEvNS0_4typeIvEERT_RT0_i + 138
       10  mongod                              0x0000000104a4cd64 _ZN5boost3_bi6bind_tIvNS_4_mfi3mf1IvN5mongo13BackgroundJobENS_10shared_ptrINS5_9JobStatusEEEEENS0_5list2INS0_5valueIPS5_EENSB_IS8_EEEEEclEv + 92
       11  mongod                              0x0000000104a4cd8f _ZN5boost6detail11thread_dataINS_3_bi6bind_tIvNS_4_mfi3mf1IvN5mongo13BackgroundJobENS_10shared_ptrINS7_9JobStatusEEEEENS2_5list2INS2_5valueIPS7_EENSD_ISA_EEEEEEE3runEv + 37
       12  mongod                              0x0000000104d2de69 thread_proxy + 169
       13  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00000001073f68bf _pthread_start + 335
       14  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00000001073f9b75 thread_start + 13

            eliot Eliot Horowitz (Inactive)
            aaron Aaron Staple
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
