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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-64151

resmoke.py fails when running with --repeat > 1

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      python buildscripts/resmoke.py run --suites=core --repeat=2 jstests/core/all.js
      python buildscripts/resmoke.py run --suites=core --repeat=2 jstests/core/all.js
    • DAG 2022-03-07, DAG 2022-03-21

      The changes from ac364ad as part of SERVER-60458 causes resmoke.py to create new job threads for each repetition of the suite. This is problematic for a number of reasons:

      • Creating a new job thread can lead resmoke to exhaust its use of the ephemeral port range because the new fixtures instances won't be reusing the same ports as before.
      • The new job thread deletes the dbpath when creating its new fixture instance while the original fixture instance is still running, leading to a Python exception.

      [executor] 14:30:39.775Z Waiting for threads to complete
      [executor] 14:30:39.775Z Threads are completed!
      [executor] 14:30:39.775Z Summary of latest execution: All 3 test(s) passed in 3.08 seconds.
      [j0] Mongod not running when gathering standalone fixture pid.
      [executor:js_test:job0] 14:30:39.777Z Encountered an error during test execution.
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/ubuntu/mongo/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/job.py", line 85, in __call__
          self._run(queue, interrupt_flag, teardown_flag, hook_failure_flag)
        File "/home/ubuntu/mongo/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/job.py", line 131, in _run
          self._execute_test(test, hook_failure_flag)
        File "/home/ubuntu/mongo/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/job.py", line 172, in _execute_test
          self.report.logging_prefix = create_fixture_table(self.fixture)
        File "/home/ubuntu/mongo/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/fixtures/interface.py", line 359, in create_fixture_table
          info: List[NodeInfo] = fixture.get_node_info()
        File "/home/ubuntu/mongo/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/fixtures/standalone.py", line 162, in get_node_info
          port=self.port, pid=self.mongod.pid)
      AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pid'
      [executor] 14:30:39.777Z Waiting for threads to complete
      [executor:js_test:job0] 14:30:39.777Z Encountered an error when tearing down the fixture.
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/ubuntu/mongo/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/job.py", line 97, in __call__
          teardown_succeeded = self.manager.teardown_fixture(self.logger)
        File "/home/ubuntu/mongo/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/job.py", line 386, in teardown_fixture
          self.report.logging_prefix = create_fixture_table(self.fixture)
        File "/home/ubuntu/mongo/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/fixtures/interface.py", line 359, in create_fixture_table
          info: List[NodeInfo] = fixture.get_node_info()
        File "/home/ubuntu/mongo/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/fixtures/standalone.py", line 162, in get_node_info
          port=self.port, pid=self.mongod.pid)
      AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pid'
      [executor] 14:30:39.777Z Threads are completed!
      [executor] 14:30:39.777Z Summary of latest execution: 0 test(s) ran in 0.00 seconds (0 succeeded, 1 were skipped, 0 failed, 0 errored)
      [executor] 14:30:39.778Z Encountered an error when running js_tests of suite core.
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/ubuntu/mongo/buildscripts/resmokelib/run/__init__.py", line 315, in _execute_suite
        File "/home/ubuntu/mongo/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/executor.py", line 160, in run
          raise errors.ResmokeError(
      buildscripts.resmokelib.errors.ResmokeError: 0 reported tests is less than 1 expected tests

            robert.guo@mongodb.com Robert Guo (Inactive)
            max.hirschhorn@mongodb.com Max Hirschhorn
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
