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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-64903

Make cancel_coordinate_txn_commit_with_tickets_exhausted.js robust to ShardServerCatalogCacheLoader performing deletes

    • Fully Compatible
    • v4.2
    • Sharding NYC 2022-04-04
    • 62
    • 2

      The cancel_coordinate_txn_commit_with_tickets_exhausted.js test relies on the hangWithLockDuringBatchRemove failpoint to have delete commands run by the removeOperation threads exhaust all available WiredTiger write tickets to test the TransactionCoordinator doesn't require acquiring a WiredTiger write ticket to avoid the transaction. However, the ShardServerCatalogCacheLoader thread may be updating the config.cache.chunks.test.mycoll entries and get blocked on the hangWithLockDuringBatchRemove instead. The assert.soon() + $currentOp run by the transactionThread thread continues to wait before proceeding to the next step of the test and lead the multi-statement transaction to time out after its 20 second transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds.

      Running the {_flushRoutingTableCacheCommands: "test.mycoll"} command after collection is sharded and before the hangWithLockDuringBatchRemove failpoint is enabled to synchronize with the ShardServerCatalogCacheLoader thread performing its deletes.

            max.hirschhorn@mongodb.com Max Hirschhorn
            max.hirschhorn@mongodb.com Max Hirschhorn
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