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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-67678

Incorrect result is returned when there's a wildcard index and a filter like $and: [{field: {$type: 'object'}, {file: {$size: 1}}]

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • 6.1.0-rc0
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL
    • v6.0
    • QE 2022-07-11, QE 2022-07-25, QE 2022-08-08
    • 12

      For repro:




      Yoonsoo' debug log:
      The SBE $type doing wrong was my first theory but it didn’t turn out to be. Here’s how I concluded the issue is related to the SBE plan cache.
      The plan that is generated when the feature is off has the following subtree which is for {$type: 'object'} match.

                  [2] project [s25 = fillEmpty (typeMatch (s24, 8), false)]
                  [2] limit 1
                  [2] coscan

      I made a breakpoint there and it got called and I found it passed. So, I don’t think the SBE typeMatch is doing something wrong.
      The plan which is generated when the feature is on also has the above subtree.
      It didn’t get called at all. So, I made another breakpoint at the following traverse.

              [2] traverse s45 s44 s43 [s42, s41] {s45 || s44} {s45}
                  [2] project [s43 = getField (s41, "a")]
                  [2] nlj [] [s40, s6, s9, s12, s15]
                          [1] unique [s40]
                          [1] branch {s39} [s6, s9, s12, s15, s40] // This branch is unnecessarily added

      The above traverse is on top of branch. And I confirmed that traverse didn’t return anything (at the first getNext() call, it returned EOF) and so typeMatch didn’t get a chance to be evaluated.
      The only difference between two plans was branch. So I suspected that branch part caused the issue

            denis.grebennicov@mongodb.com Denis Grebennicov
            yoonsoo.kim@mongodb.com Yoon Soo Kim (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
