Type: Bug
Resolution: Gone away
Priority: Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
rpm pacakges for SLES12 fails for all versions with the following errors.
Problem: nothing provides cyrus-sasl needed by mongodb-enterprise-shell-5.0.0-1.suse12.x86_64
Problem: nothing provides timezone needed by mongodb-org-server-4.2.21-1.suse12.x86_64
The full log files for all of the failures is attached.
To repro the failures you can just build the following container image.
FROM registry.suse.com/suse/sles12sp5:latest ADD https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-4.4.asc key.asc RUN rpm --import key.asc RUN zypper addrepo --gpgcheck "https://repo.mongodb.org/zypper/suse/12/mongodb-org/4.4/x86_64/" mongodb RUN zypper -n install -y mongodb-org
This container file is created based on the documentation