Type: Task
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Fully Compatible
Sharding 2022-10-03, Sharding 2022-10-17
(copied to CRM)
To allow the analyzeShardKey command to determine if a candidate shard key can lead to a hot chunk, we need the ability to simulate routing based on the synthetic routing table created based on the candidate shard key (SERVER-68754) and to figure out which chunk ranges each query targets. Currently, the ChunkManagerTargeter and ChunkManager only return the shard ids that each query targets. So we need to make the target methods also return chunk ranges.
- causes
SERVER-95448 Remove call to getAllChunkRanges as part of getShardIdsForRange
- Closed
- is depended on by
SERVER-68758 Make analyzeShardKey command calculate metrics about the hotness of shard key ranges
- Closed
- is related to
SERVER-68754 Make ChunkManagerTargeter support taking in a custom ChunkManager
- Closed
SERVER-97844 Improve handling of Chunk Ranges
- Backlog