There was replica set passthrough tests that were failing on mongosync for clustered collections so they had previously been disabled. In trying to re-enable them (REP-1479), I found that there seems to be an issue with sorting and clustered collections on replica sets on v6.0.
The example I am about to add is with a clustered collection with collation, but I think the issue is present on other types of clustered collections as well.
// Create the collection const defaultCollation = { locale: "en", strength: 2 }; db.createCollection("clustered_collection_with_collation", {clusteredIndex: {key: {_id: 1}, unique: true}, collation: defaultCollation}) // Insert some documents db.clustered_collection_with_collation.insertOne({"_id": -5}) db.clustered_collection_with_collation.insertOne({"_id": 0}) db.clustered_collection_with_collation.insertOne({"_id": 5}) // Should sort documents in increasing order, sorts correctly db.runCommand({ "aggregate": "clustered_collection_with_collation", "pipeline": [ {"$sort": {"_id": 1}}, {"$project": {"_id": 1}} ], "readConcern": {"level": "majority", "afterClusterTime": Timestamp(0, 1)}, "hint": {"_id": 1}, "cursor": {}, }) // Should sort documents in decreasing order, actually sorts in increasing order db.runCommand({ "aggregate": "clustered_collection_with_collation", "pipeline": [ {"$sort": {"_id": -1}}, {"$project": {"_id": 1}} ], "readConcern": {"level": "majority", "afterClusterTime": Timestamp(0, 1)}, "hint": {"_id": 1}, "cursor": {}, })
As we can see, when it tries to sort the documents in a clustered collection in decreasing order, it still sorts them in increasing order.
- is depended on by
SERVER-73423 CLUSTERED_IXSCAN with sort generates two duplicate plans
- Closed
- is related to
SERVER-73482 $natural hint overrides sort on clustered collections
- Closed