Uploaded image for project: 'Core Server'
  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-74576

The Mongodb RPM package for versions after 4.4.18 removes the "Type=forking" and other "ExecStartPre" options from the service definition

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • ALL
    • Hide

      Install Mongodb version 4.4.19+

      Configure Mongodb for forking process.

      Start Mongodb service.

      Process crashes after trying to fork child process.

      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.210+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":20698,   "ctx":"-","msg":"***** SERVER RESTARTED *****"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.214+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":4915701, "ctx":"-","msg":"Initialized wire specification","attr":{"spec":{"incomingExternal Client":{"minWireVersion":0,"maxWireVersion":13},"incomingInternalClient":{"minWireVersion":0,"maxWireVersion":13},"outgoing":{"minWireVersion":0,"maxWireVersion":13},"i sInternalClient":true}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.215+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":23285,   "ctx":"-","msg":"Automatically disabling TLS 1.0, to force-enable TLS 1.0 specify  --sslDisabledProtocols 'none'"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.215+00:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22601,   "ctx":"main","msg":"No TransportLayer configured during NetworkInterface startup"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.215+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":4648601, "ctx":"main","msg":"Implicit TCP FastOpen unavailable. If TCP FastOpen is required , set tcpFastOpenServer, tcpFastOpenClient, and tcpFastOpenQueueSize."}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.227+00:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22601,   "ctx":"main","msg":"No TransportLayer configured during NetworkInterface startup"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.227+00:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22601,   "ctx":"main","msg":"No TransportLayer configured during NetworkInterface startup"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.227+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":5123008, "ctx":"main","msg":"Successfully registered PrimaryOnlyService","attr":{"service": "TenantMigrationDonorService","ns":"config.tenantMigrationDonors"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.227+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":5123008, "ctx":"main","msg":"Successfully registered PrimaryOnlyService","attr":{"service": "TenantMigrationRecipientService","ns":"config.tenantMigrationRecipients"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.227+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":5945603, "ctx":"main","msg":"Multi threading initialized"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.228+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":4615611, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"MongoDB starting","attr":{"pid":3228,"port":27017,"db Path":"/var/lib/mongo","architecture":"64-bit","host":"graylog-infra-3"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.228+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":23403,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Build Info","attr":{"buildInfo":{"version":"5.0.15"," gitVersion":"935639beed3d0c19c2551c93854b831107c0b118","openSSLVersion":"OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013","modules":[],"allocator":"tcmalloc","environment":{"distmod":"r hel70","distarch":"x86_64","target_arch":"x86_64"}}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.228+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":51765,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Operating System","attr":{"os":{"name":"CentOS Linux  release 7.9.2009 (Core)","version":"Kernel 3.10.0-1160.83.1.el7.x86_64"}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.228+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":21951,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Options set by command line","attr":{"options":{"conf ig":"/etc/mongod.conf","net":{"bindIp":"","port":27017},"processManagement":{"fork":true,"pidFilePath":"/var/run/mongodb/mongod.pid","timeZoneInfo":"/usr/share/zo neinfo"},"replication":{"replSetName":"rs0"},"storage":{"dbPath":"/var/lib/mongo","engine":"wiredTiger","journal":{"enabled":true}},"systemLog":{"destination":"file","lo gAppend":true,"path":"/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log"}}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:11.230+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22315,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Opening WiredTiger","attr":{"config":"create,cache_si ze=390M,session_max=33000,eviction=(threads_min=4,threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),built in_extension_config=(zstd=(compression_level=6)),file_manager=(close_idle_time=600,close_scan_interval=10,close_handle_minimum=250),statistics_log=(wait=0),verbose=[reco very_progress,checkpoint_progress,compact_progress],"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.342+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22430,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger message","attr":{"message":"[1677823032:34 2278][3228:0x7fd831318bc0], txn-recover: [WT_VERB_RECOVERY_ALL] Set global recovery timestamp: (0, 0)"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.342+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22430,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger message","attr":{"message":"[1677823032:34 2337][3228:0x7fd831318bc0], txn-recover: [WT_VERB_RECOVERY_ALL] Set global oldest timestamp: (0, 0)"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.348+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":4795906, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger opened","attr":{"durationMillis":1118}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.348+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"RECOVERY", "id":23987,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger recoveryTimestamp","attr":{"recoveryTimest amp":{"$timestamp":{"t":0,"i":0}}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.360+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22262,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Timestamp monitor starting"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.364+00:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":22120,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Access control is not enabled for the database. Read  and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted","tags":["startupWarnings"]}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.365+00:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":22178,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'alway s'. We suggest setting it to 'never'","tags":["startupWarnings"]}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.365+00:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":22181,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag is 'always '. We suggest setting it to 'never'","tags":["startupWarnings"]}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.366+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":5071100, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Clearing temp directory"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.366+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":20536,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Flow Control is enabled on this deployment"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.367+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"SHARDING", "id":20997,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Refreshed RWC defaults","attr":{"newDefaults":{}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.367+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"FTDC",     "id":20625,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture","attr ":{"dataDirectory":"/var/lib/mongo/diagnostic.data"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.368+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":20320,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"createCollection","attr":{"namespace":"local.startup_ log","uuidDisposition":"generated","uuid":{"uuid":{"$uuid":"b3550195-ca1e-48ac-b9cc-f1d78183c498"}},"options":{"capped":true,"size":10485760}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.379+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"INDEX",    "id":20345,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Index build: done building","attr":{"buildUUID":null, "namespace":"local.startup_log","index":"_id_","commitTimestamp":null}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.381+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":6015317, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Setting new configuration state","attr":{"newState":" ConfigStartingUp","oldState":"ConfigPreStart"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.381+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"-",        "id":4939300, "ctx":"monitoring-keys-for-HMAC","msg":"Failed to refresh key cache","attr":{"erro r":"ReadConcernMajorityNotAvailableYet: Read concern majority reads are currently not possible.","nextWakeupMillis":200}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.382+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4280500, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Attempting to create internal replication collections "}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.382+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":20320,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"createCollection","attr":{"namespace":"local.replset. oplogTruncateAfterPoint","uuidDisposition":"generated","uuid":{"uuid":{"$uuid":"f26bdc4f-5576-4e32-b86a-18e5ff9a0cdb"}},"options":{}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.392+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"INDEX",    "id":20345,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Index build: done building","attr":{"buildUUID":null, "namespace":"local.replset.oplogTruncateAfterPoint","index":"_id_","commitTimestamp":null}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.392+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":20320,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"createCollection","attr":{"namespace":"local.replset. minvalid","uuidDisposition":"generated","uuid":{"uuid":{"$uuid":"8ef71dd4-e458-457d-83de-0e9955f2b3b8"}},"options":{}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.404+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"INDEX",    "id":20345,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Index build: done building","attr":{"buildUUID":null, "namespace":"local.replset.minvalid","index":"_id_","commitTimestamp":null}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.404+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":20320,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"createCollection","attr":{"namespace":"local.replset. election","uuidDisposition":"generated","uuid":{"uuid":{"$uuid":"aa1877af-7b0d-40b5-b7ad-b89aeed6aa3e"}},"options":{}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.415+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"INDEX",    "id":20345,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Index build: done building","attr":{"buildUUID":null, "namespace":"local.replset.election","index":"_id_","commitTimestamp":null}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.416+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4280501, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Attempting to load local voted for document"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.416+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":21311,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Did not find local initialized voted for document at  startup"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.416+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4280502, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Searching for local Rollback ID document"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.416+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":21312,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Did not find local Rollback ID document at startup. C reating one"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.416+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":20320,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"createCollection","attr":{"namespace":"local.system.r ollback.id","uuidDisposition":"generated","uuid":{"uuid":{"$uuid":"fd60c83c-2477-425d-b9c9-830aed3ae4da"}},"options":{}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.426+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"INDEX",    "id":20345,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Index build: done building","attr":{"buildUUID":null, "namespace":"local.system.rollback.id","index":"_id_","commitTimestamp":null}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.426+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":21531,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Initialized the rollback ID","attr":{"rbid":1}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.426+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":21313,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Did not find local replica set configuration document  at startup","attr":{"error":{"code":47,"codeName":"NoMatchingDocument","errmsg":"Did not find replica set configuration document in local.system.replset"}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.426+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":6015317, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Setting new configuration state","attr":{"newState":" ConfigUninitialized","oldState":"ConfigStartingUp"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.426+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":20320,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"createCollection","attr":{"namespace":"local.system.v iews","uuidDisposition":"generated","uuid":{"uuid":{"$uuid":"8f641d9a-5541-413c-825f-a5a38634f01d"}},"options":{}}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.437+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"INDEX",    "id":20345,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Index build: done building","attr":{"buildUUID":null, "namespace":"local.system.views","index":"_id_","commitTimestamp":null}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.438+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":20714,   "ctx":"LogicalSessionCacheRefresh","msg":"Failed to refresh session cache, will tr y again at the next refresh interval","attr":{"error":"NotYetInitialized: Replication has not yet been configured"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.438+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":20712,   "ctx":"LogicalSessionCacheReap","msg":"Sessions collection is not set up; waiting  until next sessions reap interval","attr":{"error":"NamespaceNotFound: config.system.sessions does not exist"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.439+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":40440,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Starting the TopologyVersionObserver"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.439+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":40445,   "ctx":"TopologyVersionObserver","msg":"Started TopologyVersionObserver"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.439+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":23015,   "ctx":"listener","msg":"Listening on","attr":{"address":"/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock"} }
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.439+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":23015,   "ctx":"listener","msg":"Listening on","attr":{"address":""}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.439+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":23016,   "ctx":"listener","msg":"Waiting for connections","attr":{"port":27017,"ssl":"off"} }
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":23377,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Received signal","attr":{"signal":15,"error":"Termina ted"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":23378,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Signal was sent by kill(2)","attr":{"pid":1,"uid":0}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":23381,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"will terminate after current cmd ends"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4784900, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Stepping down the ReplicationCoordinator for shutdown ","attr":{"waitTimeMillis":15000}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"COMMAND",  "id":4784901, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the MirrorMaestro"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":40441,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Stopping TopologyVersionObserver"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":40447,   "ctx":"TopologyVersionObserver","msg":"Stopped TopologyVersionObserver"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"SHARDING", "id":4784902, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the WaitForMajorityService"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":4784903, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the LogicalSessionCache"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":20562,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutdown: going to close listening sockets"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":23017,   "ctx":"listener","msg":"removing socket file","attr":{"path":"/tmp/mongodb-27017.s ock"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":4784905, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the global connection pool"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":4784906, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the FlowControlTicketholder"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"-",        "id":20520,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Stopping further Flow Control ticket acquisitions."}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4784907, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the replica set node executor"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22582,   "ctx":"ReplNodeDbWorkerNetwork","msg":"Killing all outstanding egress activity."}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":4784908, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the PeriodicThreadToAbortExpiredTransac tions"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4784909, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the ReplicationCoordinator"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":5074000, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the replica set aware services."}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":5123006, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down PrimaryOnlyService","attr":{"service":" TenantMigrationDonorService","numInstances":0,"numOperationContexts":0}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22582,   "ctx":"TenantMigrationDonorServiceNetwork","msg":"Killing all outstanding egress a ctivity."}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":5123006, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down PrimaryOnlyService","attr":{"service":" TenantMigrationRecipientService","numInstances":0,"numOperationContexts":0}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22582,   "ctx":"TenantMigrationRecipientServiceNetwork","msg":"Killing all outstanding egre ss activity."}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":21328,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down replication subsystems"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22582,   "ctx":"ReplNetwork","msg":"Killing all outstanding egress activity."}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"SHARDING", "id":4784910, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the ShardingInitializationMongoD"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4784911, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Enqueuing the ReplicationStateTransitionLock for shut down"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"-",        "id":4784912, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Killing all operations for shutdown"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"-",        "id":4695300, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Interrupted all currently running operations","attr": {"opsKilled":4}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"TENANT_M", "id":5093807, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down all TenantMigrationAccessBlockers on gl obal shutdown"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"COMMAND",  "id":4784913, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down all open transactions"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4784914, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Acquiring the ReplicationStateTransitionLock for shut down"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"INDEX",    "id":4784915, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the IndexBuildsCoordinator"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4784916, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Reacquiring the ReplicationStateTransitionLock for sh utdown"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4784917, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Attempting to mark clean shutdown"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":4784918, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the ReplicaSetMonitor"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"REPL",     "id":4784920, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the LogicalTimeValidator"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"SHARDING", "id":4784921, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the MigrationUtilExecutor"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22582,   "ctx":"MigrationUtil-TaskExecutor","msg":"Killing all outstanding egress activity. "}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"COMMAND",  "id":4784923, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the ServiceEntryPoint"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":4784925, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down free monitoring"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":20609,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down free monitoring"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":4784927, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the HealthLog"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":4784928, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the TTL monitor"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"INDEX",    "id":3684100, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down TTL collection monitor thread"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"INDEX",    "id":3684101, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Finished shutting down TTL collection monitor thread" }
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":4784929, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Acquiring the global lock for shutdown"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":4784930, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down the storage engine"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22320,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down journal flusher thread"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22321,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Finished shutting down journal flusher thread"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22322,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down checkpoint thread"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22323,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Finished shutting down checkpoint thread"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":20282,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Deregistering all the collections"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22261,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Timestamp monitor shutting down"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22317,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"WiredTigerKVEngine shutting down"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22318,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down session sweeper thread"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22319,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Finished shutting down session sweeper thread"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.448+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":4795902, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Closing WiredTiger","attr":{"closeConfig":"leak_memor y=true,"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.450+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22430,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"WiredTiger message","attr":{"message":"[1677823032:45 0789][3228:0x7fd82c108700], close_ckpt: [WT_VERB_CHECKPOINT_PROGRESS] saving checkpoint snapshot min: 56, snapshot max: 56 snapshot count: 0, oldest timestamp: (0, 0) ,  meta checkpoint timestamp: (0, 0) base write gen: 1"}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.479+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":4795901, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"WiredTiger closed","attr":{"durationMillis":31}}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.479+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22279,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"shutdown: removing fs lock..."}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.479+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"-",        "id":4784931, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Dropping the scope cache for shutdown"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.480+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"FTDC",     "id":4784926, "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down full-time data capture"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.480+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"FTDC",     "id":20626,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down full-time diagnostic data capture"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.480+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":20565,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Now exiting"}
      {"t":{"$date":"2023-03-03T05:57:12.480+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":23138,   "ctx":"SignalHandler","msg":"Shutting down","attr":{"exitCode":0}} 
      Install Mongodb version 4.4.19+ Configure Mongodb for forking process. Start Mongodb service. Process crashes after trying to fork child process. { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.210+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :20698,   "ctx" : "-" , "msg" : "***** SERVER RESTARTED *****" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.214+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "NETWORK" ,   "id" :4915701, "ctx" : "-" , "msg" : "Initialized wire specification" , "attr" :{ "spec" :{ "incomingExternal Client" :{ "minWireVersion" :0, "maxWireVersion" :13}, "incomingInternalClient" :{ "minWireVersion" :0, "maxWireVersion" :13}, "outgoing" :{ "minWireVersion" :0, "maxWireVersion" :13}, "i sInternalClient" : true }}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.215+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :23285,   "ctx" : "-" , "msg" : "Automatically disabling TLS 1.0, to force-enable TLS 1.0 specify  --sslDisabledProtocols 'none' " } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.215+00:00" }, "s" : "W" ,   "c" : "ASIO" ,     "id" :22601,   "ctx" : "main" , "msg" : "No TransportLayer configured during NetworkInterface startup" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.215+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "NETWORK" ,   "id" :4648601, "ctx" : "main" , "msg" : "Implicit TCP FastOpen unavailable. If TCP FastOpen is required , set tcpFastOpenServer, tcpFastOpenClient, and tcpFastOpenQueueSize." } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.227+00:00" }, "s" : "W" ,   "c" : "ASIO" ,     "id" :22601,   "ctx" : "main" , "msg" : "No TransportLayer configured during NetworkInterface startup" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.227+00:00" }, "s" : "W" ,   "c" : "ASIO" ,     "id" :22601,   "ctx" : "main" , "msg" : "No TransportLayer configured during NetworkInterface startup" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.227+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :5123008, "ctx" : "main" , "msg" : "Successfully registered PrimaryOnlyService" , "attr" :{ "service" : "TenantMigrationDonorService" , "ns" : "config.tenantMigrationDonors" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.227+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :5123008, "ctx" : "main" , "msg" : "Successfully registered PrimaryOnlyService" , "attr" :{ "service" : "TenantMigrationRecipientService" , "ns" : "config.tenantMigrationRecipients" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.227+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :5945603, "ctx" : "main" , "msg" : "Multi threading initialized" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.228+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :4615611, "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "MongoDB starting" , "attr" :{ "pid" :3228, "port" :27017, "db Path" : "/ var /lib/mongo" , "architecture" : "64-bit" , "host" : "graylog-infra-3" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.228+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :23403,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Build Info" , "attr" :{ "buildInfo" :{ "version" : "5.0.15" , " gitVersion" : "935639beed3d0c19c2551c93854b831107c0b118" , "openSSLVersion" : "OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013" , "modules" :[], "allocator" : "tcmalloc" , "environment" :{ "distmod" : "r hel70" , "distarch" : "x86_64" , "target_arch" : "x86_64" }}}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.228+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :51765,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Operating System " , "attr" :{ "os" :{ "name" : "CentOS Linux  release 7.9.2009 (Core)" , "version" : "Kernel 3.10.0-1160.83.1.el7.x86_64" }}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.228+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :21951,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Options set by command line" , "attr" :{ "options" :{ "conf ig" : "/etc/mongod.conf" , "net" :{ "bindIp" : "" , "port" :27017}, "processManagement" :{ "fork" : true , "pidFilePath" : "/ var /run/mongodb/mongod.pid" , "timeZoneInfo" : "/usr/share/zo neinfo" }, "replication" :{ "replSetName" : "rs0" }, "storage" :{ "dbPath" : "/ var /lib/mongo" , "engine" : "wiredTiger" , "journal" :{ "enabled" : true }}, "systemLog" :{ "destination" : "file" , "lo gAppend" : true , "path" : "/ var /log/mongodb/mongod.log" }}}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:11.230+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22315,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Opening WiredTiger" , "attr" :{ "config" : "create,cache_si ze=390M,session_max=33000,eviction=(threads_min=4,threads_max=4),config_base= false ,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled= true ,archive= true ,path=journal,compressor=snappy),built in_extension_config=(zstd=(compression_level=6)),file_manager=(close_idle_time=600,close_scan_interval=10,close_handle_minimum=250),statistics_log=(wait=0),verbose=[reco very_progress,checkpoint_progress,compact_progress]," }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.342+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22430,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "WiredTiger message" , "attr" :{ "message" : "[1677823032:34 2278][3228:0x7fd831318bc0], txn-recover: [WT_VERB_RECOVERY_ALL] Set global recovery timestamp: (0, 0)" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.342+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22430,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "WiredTiger message" , "attr" :{ "message" : "[1677823032:34 2337][3228:0x7fd831318bc0], txn-recover: [WT_VERB_RECOVERY_ALL] Set global oldest timestamp: (0, 0)" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.348+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :4795906, "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "WiredTiger opened" , "attr" :{ "durationMillis" :1118}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.348+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "RECOVERY" , "id" :23987,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "WiredTiger recoveryTimestamp" , "attr" :{ "recoveryTimest amp" :{ "$timestamp" :{ "t" :0, "i" :0}}}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.360+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22262,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Timestamp monitor starting" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.364+00:00" }, "s" : "W" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :22120,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Access control is not enabled for the database. Read  and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted" , "tags" :[ "startupWarnings" ]} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.365+00:00" }, "s" : "W" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :22178,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'alway s' . We suggest setting it to 'never' " , "tags" :[ "startupWarnings" ]} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.365+00:00" }, "s" : "W" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :22181,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag is 'always ' . We suggest setting it to 'never' " , "tags" :[ "startupWarnings" ]} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.366+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :5071100, "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Clearing temp directory" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.366+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :20536,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Flow Control is enabled on this deployment" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.367+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "SHARDING" , "id" :20997,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Refreshed RWC defaults" , "attr" :{ "newDefaults" :{}}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.367+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "FTDC" ,     "id" :20625,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture" , "attr " :{ "dataDirectory" : "/ var /lib/mongo/diagnostic.data" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.368+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :20320,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "createCollection" , "attr" :{ "namespace" : "local.startup_ log" , "uuidDisposition" : "generated" , "uuid" :{ "uuid" :{ "$uuid" : "b3550195-ca1e-48ac-b9cc-f1d78183c498" }}, "options" :{ "capped" : true , "size" :10485760}}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.379+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "INDEX" ,     "id" :20345,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Index build: done building" , "attr" :{ "buildUUID" : null , "namespace" : "local.startup_log" , "index" : "_id_" , "commitTimestamp" : null }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.381+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :6015317, "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Setting new configuration state" , "attr" :{ "newState" : " ConfigStartingUp" , "oldState" : "ConfigPreStart" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.381+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "-" ,         "id" :4939300, "ctx" : "monitoring-keys- for -HMAC" , "msg" : "Failed to refresh key cache" , "attr" :{ "erro r" : "ReadConcernMajorityNotAvailableYet: Read concern majority reads are currently not possible." , "nextWakeupMillis" :200}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.382+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :4280500, "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Attempting to create internal replication collections " } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.382+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :20320,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "createCollection" , "attr" :{ "namespace" : "local.replset. oplogTruncateAfterPoint" , "uuidDisposition" : "generated" , "uuid" :{ "uuid" :{ "$uuid" : "f26bdc4f-5576-4e32-b86a-18e5ff9a0cdb" }}, "options" :{}}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.392+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "INDEX" ,     "id" :20345,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Index build: done building" , "attr" :{ "buildUUID" : null , "namespace" : "local.replset.oplogTruncateAfterPoint" , "index" : "_id_" , "commitTimestamp" : null }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.392+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :20320,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "createCollection" , "attr" :{ "namespace" : "local.replset. minvalid" , "uuidDisposition" : "generated" , "uuid" :{ "uuid" :{ "$uuid" : "8ef71dd4-e458-457d-83de-0e9955f2b3b8" }}, "options" :{}}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.404+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "INDEX" ,     "id" :20345,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Index build: done building" , "attr" :{ "buildUUID" : null , "namespace" : "local.replset.minvalid" , "index" : "_id_" , "commitTimestamp" : null }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.404+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :20320,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "createCollection" , "attr" :{ "namespace" : "local.replset. election" , "uuidDisposition" : "generated" , "uuid" :{ "uuid" :{ "$uuid" : "aa1877af-7b0d-40b5-b7ad-b89aeed6aa3e" }}, "options" :{}}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.415+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "INDEX" ,     "id" :20345,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Index build: done building" , "attr" :{ "buildUUID" : null , "namespace" : "local.replset.election" , "index" : "_id_" , "commitTimestamp" : null }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.416+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :4280501, "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Attempting to load local voted for document" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.416+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :21311,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Did not find local initialized voted for document at  startup" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.416+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :4280502, "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Searching for local Rollback ID document" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.416+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :21312,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Did not find local Rollback ID document at startup. C reating one" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.416+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :20320,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "createCollection" , "attr" :{ "namespace" : "local.system.r ollback.id" , "uuidDisposition" : "generated" , "uuid" :{ "uuid" :{ "$uuid" : "fd60c83c-2477-425d-b9c9-830aed3ae4da" }}, "options" :{}}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.426+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "INDEX" ,     "id" :20345,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Index build: done building" , "attr" :{ "buildUUID" : null , "namespace" : "local.system.rollback.id" , "index" : "_id_" , "commitTimestamp" : null }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.426+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :21531,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Initialized the rollback ID" , "attr" :{ "rbid" :1}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.426+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :21313,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Did not find local replica set configuration document  at startup" , "attr" :{ "error" :{ "code" :47, "codeName" : "NoMatchingDocument" , "errmsg" : "Did not find replica set configuration document in local.system.replset" }}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.426+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :6015317, "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Setting new configuration state" , "attr" :{ "newState" : " ConfigUninitialized" , "oldState" : "ConfigStartingUp" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.426+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :20320,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "createCollection" , "attr" :{ "namespace" : "local.system.v iews" , "uuidDisposition" : "generated" , "uuid" :{ "uuid" :{ "$uuid" : "8f641d9a-5541-413c-825f-a5a38634f01d" }}, "options" :{}}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.437+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "INDEX" ,     "id" :20345,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Index build: done building" , "attr" :{ "buildUUID" : null , "namespace" : "local.system.views" , "index" : "_id_" , "commitTimestamp" : null }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.438+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :20714,   "ctx" : "LogicalSessionCacheRefresh" , "msg" : "Failed to refresh session cache, will tr y again at the next refresh interval" , "attr" :{ "error" : "NotYetInitialized: Replication has not yet been configured" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.438+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :20712,   "ctx" : "LogicalSessionCacheReap" , "msg" : "Sessions collection is not set up; waiting  until next sessions reap interval" , "attr" :{ "error" : "NamespaceNotFound: config.system.sessions does not exist" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.439+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :40440,   "ctx" : "initandlisten" , "msg" : "Starting the TopologyVersionObserver" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.439+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :40445,   "ctx" : "TopologyVersionObserver" , "msg" : "Started TopologyVersionObserver" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.439+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "NETWORK" ,   "id" :23015,   "ctx" : "listener" , "msg" : "Listening on" , "attr" :{ "address" : "/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock" } } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.439+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "NETWORK" ,   "id" :23015,   "ctx" : "listener" , "msg" : "Listening on" , "attr" :{ "address" : "" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.439+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "NETWORK" ,   "id" :23016,   "ctx" : "listener" , "msg" : "Waiting for connections" , "attr" :{ "port" :27017, "ssl" : "off" } } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :23377,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Received signal" , "attr" :{ "signal" :15, "error" : "Termina ted" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :23378,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Signal was sent by kill(2)" , "attr" :{ "pid" :1, "uid" :0}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :23381,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "will terminate after current cmd ends" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :4784900, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Stepping down the ReplicationCoordinator for shutdown " , "attr" :{ "waitTimeMillis" :15000}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "COMMAND" ,   "id" :4784901, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the MirrorMaestro" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :40441,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Stopping TopologyVersionObserver" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :40447,   "ctx" : "TopologyVersionObserver" , "msg" : "Stopped TopologyVersionObserver" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "SHARDING" , "id" :4784902, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the WaitForMajorityService" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.443+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :4784903, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the LogicalSessionCache" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "NETWORK" ,   "id" :20562,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutdown: going to close listening sockets" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "NETWORK" ,   "id" :23017,   "ctx" : "listener" , "msg" : "removing socket file" , "attr" :{ "path" : "/tmp/mongodb-27017.s ock" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "NETWORK" ,   "id" :4784905, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the global connection pool" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :4784906, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the FlowControlTicketholder" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "-" ,         "id" :20520,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Stopping further Flow Control ticket acquisitions." } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :4784907, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the replica set node executor" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "ASIO" ,     "id" :22582,   "ctx" : "ReplNodeDbWorkerNetwork" , "msg" : "Killing all outstanding egress activity." } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.444+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :4784908, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the PeriodicThreadToAbortExpiredTransac tions" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :4784909, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the ReplicationCoordinator" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :5074000, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the replica set aware services." } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :5123006, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down PrimaryOnlyService" , "attr" :{ "service" : " TenantMigrationDonorService" , "numInstances" :0, "numOperationContexts" :0}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "ASIO" ,     "id" :22582,   "ctx" : "TenantMigrationDonorServiceNetwork" , "msg" : "Killing all outstanding egress a ctivity." } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :5123006, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down PrimaryOnlyService" , "attr" :{ "service" : " TenantMigrationRecipientService" , "numInstances" :0, "numOperationContexts" :0}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "ASIO" ,     "id" :22582,   "ctx" : "TenantMigrationRecipientServiceNetwork" , "msg" : "Killing all outstanding egre ss activity." } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.445+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :21328,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down replication subsystems" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "ASIO" ,     "id" :22582,   "ctx" : "ReplNetwork" , "msg" : "Killing all outstanding egress activity." } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "SHARDING" , "id" :4784910, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the ShardingInitializationMongoD" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :4784911, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Enqueuing the ReplicationStateTransitionLock for shut down" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "-" ,         "id" :4784912, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Killing all operations for shutdown" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "-" ,         "id" :4695300, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Interrupted all currently running operations" , "attr" : { "opsKilled" :4}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "TENANT_M" , "id" :5093807, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down all TenantMigrationAccessBlockers on gl obal shutdown" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "COMMAND" ,   "id" :4784913, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down all open transactions" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :4784914, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Acquiring the ReplicationStateTransitionLock for shut down" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "INDEX" ,     "id" :4784915, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the IndexBuildsCoordinator" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :4784916, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Reacquiring the ReplicationStateTransitionLock for sh utdown" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :4784917, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Attempting to mark clean shutdown" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "NETWORK" ,   "id" :4784918, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the ReplicaSetMonitor" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "REPL" ,     "id" :4784920, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the LogicalTimeValidator" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "SHARDING" , "id" :4784921, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the MigrationUtilExecutor" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "ASIO" ,     "id" :22582,   "ctx" : "MigrationUtil-TaskExecutor" , "msg" : "Killing all outstanding egress activity. " } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "COMMAND" ,   "id" :4784923, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the ServiceEntryPoint" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :4784925, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down free monitoring" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.446+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :20609,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down free monitoring" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :4784927, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the HealthLog" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :4784928, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the TTL monitor" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "INDEX" ,     "id" :3684100, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down TTL collection monitor thread" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "INDEX" ,     "id" :3684101, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Finished shutting down TTL collection monitor thread" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :4784929, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Acquiring the global lock for shutdown" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :4784930, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down the storage engine" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22320,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down journal flusher thread" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22321,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Finished shutting down journal flusher thread" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22322,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down checkpoint thread" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22323,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Finished shutting down checkpoint thread" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :20282,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Deregistering all the collections" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22261,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Timestamp monitor shutting down" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22317,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "WiredTigerKVEngine shutting down" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22318,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down session sweeper thread" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.447+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22319,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Finished shutting down session sweeper thread" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.448+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :4795902, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Closing WiredTiger" , "attr" :{ "closeConfig" : "leak_memor y= true ," }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.450+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22430,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "WiredTiger message" , "attr" :{ "message" : "[1677823032:45 0789][3228:0x7fd82c108700], close_ckpt: [WT_VERB_CHECKPOINT_PROGRESS] saving checkpoint snapshot min: 56, snapshot max: 56 snapshot count: 0, oldest timestamp: (0, 0) ,  meta checkpoint timestamp: (0, 0) base write gen: 1" }} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.479+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :4795901, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "WiredTiger closed" , "attr" :{ "durationMillis" :31}} { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.479+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "STORAGE" ,   "id" :22279,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "shutdown: removing fs lock..." } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.479+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "-" ,         "id" :4784931, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Dropping the scope cache for shutdown" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.480+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "FTDC" ,     "id" :4784926, "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down full-time data capture" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.480+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "FTDC" ,     "id" :20626,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down full-time diagnostic data capture" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.480+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :20565,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Now exiting" } { "t" :{ "$date" : "2023-03-03T05:57:12.480+00:00" }, "s" : "I" ,   "c" : "CONTROL" ,   "id" :23138,   "ctx" : "SignalHandler" , "msg" : "Shutting down" , "attr" :{ "exitCode" :0}}

      The Mongodb RPM package for versions after 4.4.18 removes the "Type=forking" and other "ExecStartPre" options from the service definition.

      On RedHat family servers where is is expect to set 'fork: true' via '/etc/mongod.conf', this causes the Mongodb process to crash.

      ● mongod.service - MongoDB Database Server
         Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
         Active: inactive (dead) since Fri 2023-03-03 05:57:12 UTC; 9min ago
           Docs: https://docs.mongodb.org/manual
        Process: 3225 ExecStart=/usr/bin/mongod $OPTIONS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
       Main PID: 3225 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Mar 03 05:57:11 mongodb3 systemd[1]: Started MongoDB Database Server.
      Mar 03 05:57:11 mongodb3 mongod[3225]: about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.
      Mar 03 05:57:11 mongodb3 mongod[3225]: forked process: 3228
      Mar 03 05:57:12 mongodb3 mongod[3225]: child process started successfully, parent exiting 

      Suggest adding back the following lines:

      ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/mongodb
      ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chown mongod:mongod /var/run/mongodb
      ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chmod 0755 /var/run/mongodb

      to the service definition file:


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