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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-7620

V8 failure in jstests/and.js on OS X 10.5 64-bit DEBUG

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Environment:
      Mac OS X 10.5 64-bit Debug build slave
    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL

      Fatal error in src/third_party/v8/src/isolate.h, line 442
      CHECK(isolate != __null) failed


      Sun Nov 11 16:23:35.685 [replslave] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:36.978 [replslave] build index test.jstests_all5 { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:36.979 [replslave] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0.001 secs
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.001 [replslave] 
      debug have W lock but w would suffice for command drop
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.001 [replslave] CMD: drop test.jstests_all5
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.002 [replslave] build index test.jstests_all5 { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.003 [replslave] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.004 [replslave] 
      debug have W lock but w would suffice for command drop
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.004 [replslave] CMD: drop test.jstests_all5
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.006 [replslave] build index test.jstests_all5 { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.006 [replslave] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.028 [replslave] 
      debug have W lock but w would suffice for command drop
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.028 [replslave] CMD: drop test.jstests_all5
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.030 [replslave] build index test.jstests_all5 { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.031 [replslave] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.031 [replslave] 
      debug have W lock but w would suffice for command drop
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.031 [replslave] CMD: drop test.jstests_all5
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.032 [replslave] build index test.jstests_all5 { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.033 [replslave] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.033 [replslave] 
      debug have W lock but w would suffice for command drop
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.033 [replslave] CMD: drop test.jstests_all5
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.036 [replslave] build index test.jstests_all5 { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:37.037 [replslave] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      MongoDB shell version: 2.3.1-pre-
      connecting to:
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.402 [replslave] build index test.jstests_and { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.388 [conn23] CMD: drop test.jstests_and
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.400 [conn23] build index test.jstests_and { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.401 [conn23] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0.001 secs
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.414 [conn23] assertion 14816 $and expression must be a nonempty array ns:test.jstests_and query:{ $and: 4.0 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.414 [conn23] problem detected during query over test.jstests_and : { $err: "$and expression must be a nonempty array", code: 14816 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.428 [conn23] assertion 14816 $and expression must be a nonempty array ns:test.jstests_and query:{ $and: {} }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.428 [conn23] problem detected during query over test.jstests_and : { $err: "$and expression must be a nonempty array", code: 14816 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.432 [conn23] assertion 14817 $and/$or elements must be objects ns:test.jstests_and query:{ $and: [ 4.0 ] }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.432 [conn23] problem detected during query over test.jstests_and : { $err: "$and/$or elements must be objects", code: 14817 }
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.897 [conn23] info PageFaultRetryableSection will not yield, already locked upon reaching
      # Fatal error in src/third_party/v8/src/isolate.h, line 442
      # CHECK(isolate != __null) failed
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.899 Got signal: 6 (Abort trap: 6).
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.920 Backtrace:
      0x10eeeba45 0x10e67714e 0x7fff9736acfa 0x10f30e810 0x7fff97309a7a 0x10f402c55 0x10f0f12ae 0x10f06525c 0x10f0f12a1 0x10f06525c 0x10f0f12a1 0x10f06525c 0x10f10782b 0x10f0674ff 0x10f107af8 0x10f0ac650 0x10f073c4b 0x10ee4de81 0x10ee3bb35 0x10ee3bd66 
       0   mongod                              0x000000010eeeba45 _ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo + 37
       1   mongod                              0x000000010e67714e _ZN5mongo10abruptQuitEi + 446
       2   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff9736acfa _sigtramp + 26
       3   mongod                              0x000000010f30e810 _ZN2v88internal10HeapObject10GetIsolateEv + 32
       4   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff97309a7a abort + 143
       5   mongod                              0x000000010f402c55 _ZN2v88internal2OS5AbortEv + 9
       6   mongod                              0x000000010f0f12ae V8_Fatal + 510
       7   mongod                              0x000000010f06525c _ZN2v88internal7Isolate7CurrentEv + 92
       8   mongod                              0x000000010f0f12a1 V8_Fatal + 497
       9   mongod                              0x000000010f06525c _ZN2v88internal7Isolate7CurrentEv + 92
       10  mongod                              0x000000010f0f12a1 V8_Fatal + 497
       11  mongod                              0x000000010f06525c _ZN2v88internal7Isolate7CurrentEv + 92
       12  mongod                              0x000000010f10782b _ZN2v88internal7Context29IsBootstrappingOrGlobalObjectEPNS0_6ObjectE + 17
       13  mongod                              0x000000010f0674ff _ZN2v88internal7Context6globalEv + 47
       14  mongod                              0x000000010f107af8 _ZN2v88internal7Context14global_contextEv + 24
       15  mongod                              0x000000010f0ac650 _ZN2v88internal7Context17has_out_of_memoryEv + 24
       16  mongod                              0x000000010f073c4b _ZN2v87Context23HasOutOfMemoryExceptionEv + 63
       17  mongod                              0x000000010ee4de81 _ZN5mongo7V8Scope23hasOutOfMemoryExceptionEv + 95
       18  mongod                              0x000000010ee3bb35 _ZN5mongo10ScopeCache4doneERKSsPNS_5ScopeE + 121
       19  mongod                              0x000000010ee3bd66 _ZN5mongo11PooledScopeD0Ev + 130
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.925 DBClientCursor::init call() failed
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.403 [replslave] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0.001 secs
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.925 [replslave] repl: AssertionException dbclient error communicating with server: localhost:27999
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.925 [replslave] repl: sleep 2 sec before next pass
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:38.933 exec error: src/mongo/shell/query.js:78 error doing query: failed
      this._cursor = this._mongo.find( this._ns , this._query , this._fields , this.
      failed to load: /Users/yellow/buildslaves/OS_X_105_64bit_DEBUG/mongo/jstests/and.js
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 got signal 15 (Terminated: 15), will terminate after current cmd ends
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 [interruptThread] now exiting
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 dbexit: 
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 9
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 11
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 [interruptThread] closing listening socket: 12
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 [interruptThread] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-28000.sock
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 [interruptThread] shutdown: going to close sockets...
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 [interruptThread] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 [interruptThread] shutdown: lock for final commit...
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.128 [interruptThread] shutdown: final commit...
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.146 [interruptThread] shutdown: closing all files...
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.150 [interruptThread] closeAllFiles() finished
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.150 [interruptThread] journalCleanup...
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.150 [interruptThread] removeJournalFiles
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.151 [interruptThread] shutdown: removing fs lock...
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.151 dbexit: really exiting now
      Sun Nov 11 16:23:39.151 [interruptThread] thread interruptThread stack usage was 12840 bytes,  which is the most so far

            tad Tad Marshall
            tad Tad Marshall
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