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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-7622

jstests/mr_killop.js failures

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Environment:
      Linux 64-bit DUR OFF build slave
    • Linux


      From the logs, this is commit 889fd753e98dfb91970560c798c3b9c15bdb96f2 .

      The test survived several rounds of killop interruptions, then hit a segfault:

      Sun Nov 11 17:32:18.905 [conn1628] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_57
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:18.907 [conn1628] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_57_inc
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:18.909 [conn1628] error in invoke: interrupted
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:18.910 [conn1628] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "jstests_mr_killop", out: "jstests_mr_killop_out", map: function () {     while( 1 ) {         db.jstests_mr_killop.count( { a..., reduce: function ( k, v ) { return v[ 0 ]; } } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 locks(micros) r:116986 w:684 reslen:225 154ms
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:18.916 [conn1628] end connection (28 connections now open)
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:18.917 [conn1617] CMD: drop test.jstests_mr_killop
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:18.919 [conn1617] CMD: drop test.jstests_mr_killop_out
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:18.920 [conn1617] build index test.jstests_mr_killop { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:18.920 [conn1617] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:18.971 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #1629 (29 connections now open)
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:19.004 [conn1629] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_58_inc
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:19.005 [conn1629] build index test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_58_inc { 0: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:19.005 [conn1629] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:19.005 [conn1629] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_58
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:19.005 [conn1629] build index test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_58 { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:19.006 [conn1629] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.922 [conn1617] going to kill op: op: 2089616.0
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.937 [replslave] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_58
      sh13589| MongoDB shell version: 2.3.1-pre-
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.935 [conn1629] error in invoke: _funcs1:0 Interruption in V8 native callback
      while( 1 ) {         db.jstests_mr_killop.count( { a:1 } );         sleep( 113
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.935 [conn1629] mr failed, removing collection :: caused by :: 9014 map invoke failed: error in invoke: _funcs1:0 Interruption in V8 native callback
      while( 1 ) {         db.jstests_mr_killop.count( { a:1 } );         sleep( 113
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.935 [conn1629] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_58
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.937 [conn1629] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_58_inc
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.939 [conn1629] error in invoke: interrupted
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.939 [conn1629] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "jstests_mr_killop", out: "jstests_mr_killop_out", map: function () {     while( 1 ) {         db.jstests_mr_killop.count( { a..., reduce: function ( k, v ) { return v[ 0 ]; } } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 locks(micros) r:1929446 w:550 reslen:301 1966ms
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.945 [conn1629] end connection (28 connections now open)
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.946 [conn1617] CMD: drop test.jstests_mr_killop
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.948 [conn1617] CMD: drop test.jstests_mr_killop_out
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.949 [conn1617] build index test.jstests_mr_killop { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.949 [conn1617] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:21.000 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #1630 (29 connections now open)
      sh13589| connecting to:
      sh13589| assert: command failed: {
      sh13589| 	"errmsg" : "exception: map invoke failed: error in invoke: _funcs1:0 Interruption in V8 native callback\nwhile( 1 ) {         db.jstests_mr_killop.count( { a:1 } );         sleep( 113\n                                                                    ^\n",
      sh13589| 	"code" : 9014,
      sh13589| 	"ok" : 0
      sh13589| } : undefined
      sh13589| Error: Printing Stack Trace
      sh13589|     at printStackTrace (src/mongo/shell/utils.js:37:7)
      sh13589|     at doassert (src/mongo/shell/utils.js:58:1)
      sh13589|     at Function.assert.commandWorked (src/mongo/shell/utils.js:217:1)
      sh13589|     at (shell eval):1:37
      sh13589| Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.944 exec error: src/mongo/shell/utils.js:59 command failed: {
      sh13589| 	"errmsg" : "exception: map invoke failed: error in invoke: _funcs1:0 Interruption in V8 native callback\nwhile( 1 ) {         db.jstests_mr_killop.count( { a:1 } );         sleep( 113\n                                                                    ^\n",
      sh13589| 	"code" : 9014,
      sh13589| 	"ok" : 0
      sh13589| } : undefined
      sh13589| throw msg;
      sh13589|       ^
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:20.950 shell: started program /home/yellow/buildslave/Linux_64bit_DUR_OFF/mongo/mongo --eval db = db.getSiblingDB('test');assert.commandWorked( db.runCommand( { 	'mapreduce' : 'jstests_mr_killop', 	'out' : 'jstests_mr_killop_out', 	'map' : function () { emit( this.a, 1 ); }, 	'reduce' : function () {     while( 1 ) {         db.jstests_mr_killop.count( { a:1 } );         sleep( 113 );     } } } ) );
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:21.034 [conn1630] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_59_inc
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:21.034 [conn1630] build index test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_59_inc { 0: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:21.035 [conn1630] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:21.035 [conn1630] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_59
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:21.035 [conn1630] build index test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_killop_59 { _id: 1 }
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:21.035 [conn1630] build index done.  scanned 0 total records. 0 secs
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:21.151 [conn1617] going to kill op: op: 2089654.0
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:21.151 Invalid access at address: 0 from thread: conn1630
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:21.151 Got signal: 11 (Segmentation fault).
      Sun Nov 11 17:32:21.161 Backtrace:
      0xb972d6 0x6d8bc4 0x6d972e 0x7f0790539b40 0xc9ae83 0xb3ab11 0xb43b6e 0xb5083c 0xb402da 0xcbf587 0x37d968706362 
       /home/yellow/buildslave/Linux_64bit_DUR_OFF/mongo/mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x26) [0xb972d6]
       /home/yellow/buildslave/Linux_64bit_DUR_OFF/mongo/mongod(_ZN5mongo10abruptQuitEi+0x3c4) [0x6d8bc4]
       /home/yellow/buildslave/Linux_64bit_DUR_OFF/mongo/mongod(_ZN5mongo24abruptQuitWithAddrSignalEiP7siginfoPv+0x25e) [0x6d972e]
       /lib/libpthread.so.0(+0xfb40) [0x7f0790539b40]
       /home/yellow/buildslave/Linux_64bit_DUR_OFF/mongo/mongod(_ZN2v86Object16SetInternalFieldEiNS_6HandleINS_5ValueEEE+0x23) [0xc9ae83]
       /home/yellow/buildslave/Linux_64bit_DUR_OFF/mongo/mongod(_ZN5mongo7V8Scope14wrapBSONObjectEN2v85LocalINS1_6ObjectEEEPNS_10BSONHolderE+0x31) [0xb3ab11]
       /home/yellow/buildslave/Linux_64bit_DUR_OFF/mongo/mongod(_ZN5mongo7V8Scope11mongoToLZV8ERKNS_7BSONObjEbb+0x2fe) [0xb43b6e]
       /home/yellow/buildslave/Linux_64bit_DUR_OFF/mongo/mongod(_ZN5mongo18internalCursorNextEPNS_7V8ScopeERKN2v89ArgumentsE+0x14c) [0xb5083c]
       /home/yellow/buildslave/Linux_64bit_DUR_OFF/mongo/mongod(_ZN5mongo7V8Scope10v8CallbackERKN2v89ArgumentsE+0x7a) [0xb402da]
       /home/yellow/buildslave/Linux_64bit_DUR_OFF/mongo/mongod() [0xcbf587]

            kristina Kristina Chodorow (Inactive)
            tad Tad Marshall
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
