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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-7676

find usings sort,skip,limit where sort is on an unindexed attribute produces an error when executed from mongos command prompt but works correctly from mongod command prompt.

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • 2.8.0-rc0
    • Affects Version/s: 2.2.1
    • Component/s: Querying, Sharding
    • Environment:
      cluster with a single node 3 server replica set
    • ALL
    • Hide
      db.Device.find ({AccountId : 223830}).sort( {DeviceName : 1}).skip(50000).limit(20)
      mongos> db.Device.find ({AccountId : 223830}).sort( {DeviceName : 1}).skip(50000).limit(20)
      error: { "$err" : "error querying server", "code" : 15988 }
      PRIMARY> db.Device.find ({AccountId : 223830}).sort( {DeviceName : 1}).skip(50000).limit(20)
      Successfully returns the data
      Log snippet
      Wed Nov 14 15:44:49 [conn384] recv(): message len 318953456 is too large318953456
      Wed Nov 14 15:44:49 [conn384] DBClientCursor::init lazy say() failed
      Wed Nov 14 15:44:49 [conn384] DBClientCursor::init message from say() was empty
      Wed Nov 14 15:44:49 [conn384] got not master for:
      Wed Nov 14 15:44:49 [conn384] warning: db exception when finishing on rs0:rs0/,,, current connection state is { state: { conn: "rs0/,,", vinfo: "Reporting.Device @ 1|50||5085a74f60f379d79eeaac5b", cursor: "(empty)", count: 0, done: false }, retryNext: false, init: true, finish: true, errored: false } :: caused by :: 15988 error querying server
      db.Device.find ({AccountId : 223830}).sort( {DeviceName : 1}).skip(50000).limit(20) QA1MONGOS1: mongos> db.Device.find ({AccountId : 223830}).sort( {DeviceName : 1}).skip(50000).limit(20) error: { "$err" : "error querying server", "code" : 15988 } QA1MONGODB2: PRIMARY> db.Device.find ({AccountId : 223830}).sort( {DeviceName : 1}).skip(50000).limit(20) Successfully returns the data Log snippet Wed Nov 14 15:44:49 [conn384] recv(): message len 318953456 is too large318953456 Wed Nov 14 15:44:49 [conn384] DBClientCursor::init lazy say() failed Wed Nov 14 15:44:49 [conn384] DBClientCursor::init message from say() was empty Wed Nov 14 15:44:49 [conn384] got not master for: Wed Nov 14 15:44:49 [conn384] warning: db exception when finishing on rs0:rs0/,,, current connection state is { state: { conn: "rs0/,,", vinfo: "Reporting.Device @ 1|50||5085a74f60f379d79eeaac5b", cursor: "(empty)", count: 0, done: false }, retryNext: false, init: true, finish: true, errored: false } :: caused by :: 15988 error querying server
    • Query 2.7.8

      create a collection of documents that have at least one attribute that is not indexed. The resulting size of all the documents must be as close to 32MB limit as possible

        1. datagen.zip
          373 kB
        2. exec_knob.js
          0.7 kB

            david.storch@mongodb.com David Storch
            dale@dchpa.com Dale C Quantz
            2 Vote for this issue
            17 Start watching this issue
