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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-77256

Unable to read from a snapshot due to pending collection catalog changes; please retry

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 5.0.18
    • Component/s: None
    • Server Triage
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      {     const session = await mongoose.startSession();     session.startTransaction();      const createPages = await CollectionA.insertMany(newPages, \{ session }


           const pageIds = cratePages.map((page) => page.id);

           await  CollectionB.findByIdAndUpdate(
                  { $set:

      { firstName: "John Doe" }

      , $push: { pages:

      { $each: pageIds }

      } },
                  { session }

          if (isDelete) {
               await CollectionA.deleteMany({ _id:

      { $in:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] }

      }, { session });


          if (!cratePages || !updateSite)

      {         await session.abortTransaction();         await session.endSession();         return null;       }

           await session.commitTransaction();
            await session.endSession();

            return cratePages;

      } catch(err)

      {      await session.abortTransaction();      await session.endSession();       throw err; }


      ```js try {     const session = await mongoose.startSession();     session.startTransaction();      const createPages = await CollectionA.insertMany(newPages, \{ session } );      const pageIds = cratePages.map((page) => page.id);      await  CollectionB.findByIdAndUpdate(             Id,             { $set: { firstName: "John Doe" } , $push: { pages: { $each: pageIds } } },             { session }     if (isDelete) {          await CollectionA.deleteMany({ _id: { $in:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] } }, { session });        }       if (!cratePages || !updateSite) {         await session.abortTransaction();         await session.endSession();         return null;       }      await session.commitTransaction();       await session.endSession();       return cratePages; } catch(err) {      await session.abortTransaction();      await session.endSession();       throw err; } ``` 

          1. Prerequisites
      • [X] I have written a descriptive issue title
          1. Mongoose version


          1. Node.js version


          1. MongoDB version


          1. Operating system


          1. Operating system version (i.e. 20.04, 11.3, 10)


          1. Issue

      Hey there!

      I'm using mongodb transaction over the operation. I insert many documents using `insertMany` in `CollectionA` then i $set and $push CollectionA ids in `CollectionB` a particular fields.  then finally i delete few specific documents from `CollectionA`

      Lets share an example : 

      try {
          const session = await mongoose.startSession();
           const createPages = await CollectionA.insertMany(newPages, \{ session });
           const pageIds = cratePages.map((page) => page.id);
           await  CollectionB.findByIdAndUpdate(
                  \{ $set: { firstName: "John Doe" }, $push: \{ pages: { $each: pageIds } } },
                  \{ session }
          if (isDelete) {
               await CollectionA.deleteMany(\{ _id: { $in:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] } }, \{ session });
          if (!cratePages || !updateSite) {
              await session.abortTransaction();
              await session.endSession();
              return null;
           await session.commitTransaction();
            await session.endSession();
            return cratePages;
      } catch(err){
           await session.abortTransaction();
           await session.endSession();
            throw err;


      This is a graphql api. after running this api it's seems work perfectly but when i test this resolvers code using `mocha` and `chai.js` but when i run the test some times I passed the test (means work) and some times test throw bellow error

      MongoError: Unable to read from a snapshot due to pending collection catalog changes; please retry the operation.Snapshot timestamp is Timestamp(1684396773, 34).Collection minimum is Timestamp(1684396773, 36)
       at MessageStream.messageHandler(/usr/src / app / node_modules / mongodb / lib / cmap / connection.js: 299: 20)
       at MessageStream.emit(node: events: 513: 28)
       at MessageStream.emit(node: domain: 489: 12)
       at processIncomingData(/usr/src / app / node_modules / mongodb / lib / cmap / message_stream.js: 144: 12)
       at MessageStream._write(/usr/src / app / node_modules / mongodb / lib / cmap / message_stream.js: 42: 5)
       at writeOrBuffer(node: internal / streams / writable: 392: 12)
       at _write(node: internal / streams / writable: 333: 10)
       at Writable.write(node: internal / streams / writable: 337: 10)
       at Socket.ondata(node: internal / streams / readable: 766: 22)
       at Socket.emit(node: events: 513: 28)
       at Socket.emit(node: domain: 489: 12)
       at addChunk(node: internal / streams / readable: 324: 12)
       at readableAddChunk(node: internal / streams / readable: 297: 9)
       at Readable.push(node: internal / streams / readable: 234: 10)
       at TCP.onStreamRead(node: internal / stream_base_commons: 190: 23)

      {    operationTime: Timestamp \{ _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 36, high_: 1684396773 }

         ok: 0,
           code: 246,
             codeName: 'SnapshotUnavailable',

      {      clusterTime: Timestamp \{ _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 36, high_: 1684396773 }

           signature: { hash: [Binary], keyId: 0 }
         [Symbol(errorLabels)]: Set(1) { 'TransientTransactionError' }

            backlog-server-triage [HELP ONLY] Backlog - Triage Team
            eliasmd624@gmail.com Elias Soykat
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