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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-8010

Query anomaly with Date and Timestamp

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 2.2.0
    • Component/s: Querying
    • None
    • ALL
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      // 1. Querying with timestamp only (works)
      var ts = db.getCollection( "timestamp" );

      { "_id" : 1, "x" : Timestamp(2000, 1) }

      assert.eq( ts.count(

      { "x" : Timestamp(2000, 1 ) }

      ), 1 );

      // 2. After adding a document with date, the same query fails with message: error:

      { "$err" : "wrong type for field (x) 17 != 9", "code" : 13111 }


      { "_id" : 2, "x" : ISODate("2012-08-31T12:13:14.156Z") }

      assert.eq( ts.count(

      { "x" : Timestamp(2000, 1 ) }

      ), 1 );

      // 1. Querying with timestamp only (works) var ts = db.getCollection( "timestamp" ); ts.save( { "_id" : 1, "x" : Timestamp(2000, 1) } ); assert.eq( ts.count( { "x" : Timestamp(2000, 1 ) } ), 1 ); // 2. After adding a document with date, the same query fails with message: error: { "$err" : "wrong type for field (x) 17 != 9", "code" : 13111 } ts.save( { "_id" : 2, "x" : ISODate("2012-08-31T12:13:14.156Z") } ); assert.eq( ts.count( { "x" : Timestamp(2000, 1 ) } ), 1 );

      When querying for timestamp, an error happens when a different document containing date is present, but works if date is not present.

      (Just as a remark upfront, I don't have control over the databases and cannot enforce conventions)

      Server logs:

      Sun Dec 23 19:38:51.844 [conn1] Assertion: 13111:wrong type for field (x) 17 != 9
      0x10811e14b 0x1080f8b9e 0x1080f8c5d 0x107da2358 0x107d854ab 0x107f1bd7c 0x107f11057 0x107f1182a 0x107f1d640 0x107f1d86a 0x107faa870 0x107f37335 0x107f378e7 0x107f3a876 0x107ee3aff 0x107d34d62 0x108113ee1 0x108150775 0x7fff948848bf 0x7fff94887b75 
       0   mongod                              0x000000010811e14b _ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo + 43
       1   mongod                              0x00000001080f8b9e _ZN5mongo11msgassertedEiPKc + 174
       2   mongod                              0x00000001080f8c5d _ZN5mongo11msgassertedEiRKSs + 29
       3   mongod                              0x0000000107da2358 _ZNK5mongo11BSONElement3chkEi + 760
       4   mongod                              0x0000000107d854ab _ZN5mongo20compareElementValuesERKNS_11BSONElementES2_ + 651
       5   mongod                              0x0000000107f1bd7c _ZNK5mongo7Matcher11valuesMatchERKNS_11BSONElementES3_iRKNS_14ElementMatcherE + 100
       6   mongod                              0x0000000107f11057 _ZNK5mongo7Matcher13matchesDottedEPKcRKNS_11BSONElementERKNS_7BSONObjEiRKNS_14ElementMatcherEbPNS_12MatchDetailsE + 3431
       7   mongod                              0x0000000107f1182a _ZNK5mongo7Matcher7matchesERKNS_7BSONObjEPNS_12MatchDetailsE + 314
       8   mongod                              0x0000000107f1d640 _ZNK5mongo19CoveredIndexMatcher7matchesERKNS_7BSONObjERKNS_7DiskLocEPNS_12MatchDetailsEb + 464
       9   mongod                              0x0000000107f1d86a _ZNK5mongo19CoveredIndexMatcher14matchesCurrentEPNS_6CursorEPNS_12MatchDetailsE + 212
       10  mongod                              0x0000000107faa870 _ZN5mongo6Cursor14currentMatchesEPNS_12MatchDetailsE + 56
       11  mongod                              0x0000000107f37335 _ZN5mongo20QueryResponseBuilder8addMatchEv + 121
       12  mongod                              0x0000000107f378e7 _ZN5mongo23queryWithQueryOptimizerEiRKSsRKNS_7BSONObjERNS_5CurOpES4_S4_RKN5boost10shared_ptrINS_11ParsedQueryEEES4_RKNS_17ShardChunkVersionERNS7_10scoped_ptrINS_25PageFaultRetryableSectionEEERNSG_INS_19NoPageFaultsAllowedEEERNS_7MessageE + 1255
       13  mongod                              0x0000000107f3a876 _ZN5mongo8runQueryERNS_7MessageERNS_12QueryMessageERNS_5CurOpES1_ + 5158
       14  mongod                              0x0000000107ee3aff _ZN5mongo16assembleResponseERNS_7MessageERNS_10DbResponseERKNS_11HostAndPortE + 1599
       15  mongod                              0x0000000107d34d62 _ZN5mongo16MyMessageHandler7processERNS_7MessageEPNS_21AbstractMessagingPortEPNS_9LastErrorE + 196
       16  mongod                              0x0000000108113ee1 _ZN5mongo17PortMessageServer17handleIncomingMsgEPv + 1697
       17  mongod                              0x0000000108150775 thread_proxy + 229
       18  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff948848bf _pthread_start + 335
       19  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff94887b75 thread_start + 13

            aaron Aaron Staple (Inactive)
            chris@real-programmer.com Christoph Bussler
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
