To reproduce outside of Mongosync:
- Launch and connect to v7.0 replica set (I used mlaunch)
m 7.0.0
mlaunch --replicaset --nodes 3
mongosh mongodb:
- You will need 2 mongosh for this repro.
- Create collection and index
use test
- On mongosh 1, run the aggregation pipeline to retrieve the index in an infinite loop (replace collectionUUID with actual value)
stages1 = [{ "$group": Unknown macro: { "_id"}} }, { "$unwind":{ "path": "$catalogEntry" }}, { "$unwind":{ "path": "$catalogEntry.md.indexes" }}, { "$unset": "catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.ns" }, { "$match":{ "catalogEntry.md.indexes.ready": true }}, { "$set": { "catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.sparse": { "$cond": { "if":Unknown macro: { "$eq"}, "then": "$$REMOVE", "else": { "$toBool": "$catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.sparse" } } }, "catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.expireAfterSeconds": { "$cond": { "if":Unknown macro: { "$eq"}, "then": "$$REMOVE", "else": { "$toInt": "$catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.expireAfterSeconds" } } }, "catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.bits": { "$cond": { "if":Unknown macro: { "$eq"}, "then": "$$REMOVE", "else": { "$toInt": "$catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.bits" } } } } }, { "$group": { "_id": "$catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.name", "shards":{ "$push": "$catalogEntry.shard" }, "specs": { "$push": { "$objectToArray": { "$ifNull": [ "$catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec", {}] } } }, "allShards": { "$first": "$allShards" } } }]
stages2 = { "$project": { "numShards":{ "$size": "$allShards" }, "missingFromShards": { "$setDifference": [ "$allShards", "$shards"] }, "spec": { "$arrayToObject":{ "$first": "$specs" }}, "inconsistentOptions": { "$setDifference": [ { "$reduce": { "input": "$specs", "initialValue":{ "$arrayElemAt": [ "$specs", 0] }, "in": { "$setUnion": [ "$$value", "$$this"] } } }, { "$reduce": { "input": "$specs", "initialValue":{ "$arrayElemAt": [ "$specs", 0] }, "in": { "$setIntersection": [ "$$value", "$$this"] } } }] } } }
res = db.runCommand({"aggregate": "coll", "collectionUUID": new UUID("85c8ab7b-d107-4768-913e-19f0b107eb2a"), "readConcern": {"level": "majority", "afterClusterTime": Timestamp({ t: 1693905823, i: 20 })}, cursor: {}, pipeline: [\{"$listCatalog": {}}].concat(stages1).concat([\{"$match": {_id: "x_1"} }]).concat([stages2])}).cursor.firstBatch.length
while (res) { res = db.runCommand({"aggregate": "coll", "collectionUUID": new UUID("85c8ab7b-d107-4768-913e-19f0b107eb2a"), "readConcern": {"level": "majority", "afterClusterTime": Timestamp({ t: 1693905823, i: 20 })}, cursor: {}, pipeline: [\{"$listCatalog": {}}].concat(stages1).concat([\{"$match": {_id: "x_1"} }]).concat([stages2])}).cursor.firstBatch.length }
- On mongosh 2, rename the collection
use test
The infinite loop in mongosh 1 will exit. In v6.0.8, the infinite loop exits with a CollectionUUIDMismatch error as expected, but v.7.0.0, the infinite loop exits because the server returns an empty list of index.
To reproduce outside of Mongosync:
Launch and connect to v7.0 replica set (I used mlaunch)
m 7.0.0
mlaunch --replicaset --nodes 3
mongosh mongodb: //localhost:27017,localhost:27018,localhost:27019
- You will need 2 mongosh for this repro.
Create collection and index
use test
db.createCollection( "coll" )
On mongosh 1, run the aggregation pipeline to retrieve the index in an infinite loop (replace collectionUUID with actual value)
stages1 = [{ "$group" : Unknown macro: { "_id" }} }, { "$unwind" :{ "path" : "$catalogEntry" }}, { "$unwind" :{ "path" : "$catalogEntry.md.indexes" }}, { "$unset" : "catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.ns" }, { "$match" :{ "catalogEntry.md.indexes.ready" : true }}, { "$set" : { "catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.sparse" : { "$cond" : { " if " :Unknown macro: { "$eq" }, "then" : "$$REMOVE" , " else " : { "$toBool" : "$catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.sparse" } } }, "catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.expireAfterSeconds" : { "$cond" : { " if " :Unknown macro: { "$eq" }, "then" : "$$REMOVE" , " else " : { "$toInt" : "$catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.expireAfterSeconds" } } }, "catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.bits" : { "$cond" : { " if " :Unknown macro: { "$eq" }, "then" : "$$REMOVE" , " else " : { "$toInt" : "$catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.bits" } } } } }, { "$group" : { "_id" : "$catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec.name" , "shards" :{ "$push" : "$catalogEntry.shard" }, "specs" : { "$push" : { "$objectToArray" : { "$ifNull" : [ "$catalogEntry.md.indexes.spec" , {}] } } }, "allShards" : { "$first" : "$allShards" } } }]
stages2 = { "$project" : { "numShards" :{ "$size" : "$allShards" }, "missingFromShards" : { "$setDifference" : [ "$allShards" , "$shards" ] }, "spec" : { "$arrayToObject" :{ "$first" : "$specs" }}, "inconsistentOptions" : { "$setDifference" : [ { "$reduce" : { "input" : "$specs" , "initialValue" :{ "$arrayElemAt" : [ "$specs" , 0] }, "in" : { "$setUnion" : [ "$$value" , "$$ this " ] } } }, { "$reduce" : { "input" : "$specs" , "initialValue" :{ "$arrayElemAt" : [ "$specs" , 0] }, "in" : { "$setIntersection" : [ "$$value" , "$$ this " ] } } }] } } }
res = db.runCommand({ "aggregate" : "coll" , "collectionUUID" : new UUID( "85c8ab7b-d107-4768-913e-19f0b107eb2a" ), "readConcern" : { "level" : "majority" , "afterClusterTime" : Timestamp({ t: 1693905823, i: 20 })}, cursor: {}, pipeline: [\{ "$listCatalog" : {}}].concat(stages1).concat([\{ "$match" : {_id: "x_1" } }]).concat([stages2])}).cursor.firstBatch.length
while (res) { res = db.runCommand({ "aggregate" : "coll" , "collectionUUID" : new UUID( "85c8ab7b-d107-4768-913e-19f0b107eb2a" ), "readConcern" : { "level" : "majority" , "afterClusterTime" : Timestamp({ t: 1693905823, i: 20 })}, cursor: {}, pipeline: [\{ "$listCatalog" : {}}].concat(stages1).concat([\{ "$match" : {_id: "x_1" } }]).concat([stages2])}).cursor.firstBatch.length }
- On mongosh 2, rename the collection
use test
db.coll.renameCollection( "coll2" )
The infinite loop in mongosh 1 will exit. In v6.0.8, the infinite loop exits with a CollectionUUIDMismatch error as expected, but v.7.0.0, the infinite loop exits because the server returns an empty list of index.