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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-81179

Backup cursor service reports backup cursor checkpointTimestamp that does not match the actual WT backup cursor checkpointTimestamp

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Icon: Critical - P2 Critical - P2
    • 7.2.0-rc0, 7.1.0-rc4
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Storage Execution NAMER
    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL
    • v7.1
    • Execution NAMR Team 2023-10-02
    • 148

      After SERVER-81032, the  backup cursor service reports backup cursor checkpointTimestamp  that does not match the actual checkpointTimestamp at which WT opened a backup cursor, i.e, reported checkpointTimestamp   can be <= actual checkpointTimestamp) , instead of ==

      Given the fact committing the checkpoint and updating txn_global.last_ckpt_timestamp (reported by getLastStableRecoveryTimestamp()) aren't atomic. This means, we can end up a scenario, like below

      1) CKPT thread: WT checkpoint committed for TS(100) with ckptId:100
      2) BackupService thread: Opens the _mdb_catalog cursor with read source as KCheckpoint.

      • This will open the checkpoint cursor on the latest checkpoint, ckptId:100

      3) BackupService thread: Calls getLastStableRecoveryTimestamp() and reads the previous checkpoint  ts values , say TS(90).
      4) CKPT thread: Updates the {{txn_global.last_ckpt_timestamp }} to TS(100)
      5) BackupService thread: Opens the backup cursor
      6) BackupService thread: Verifies if any checkpoint was taken between step #3 and #5 .

      • For which, It agains opens the checkpoint cursor on _mdb_catalog and reads checkpoint id as ckptId:100, and compares with step#2 checkpoint Id.

      Since, step #2 and step#6 checkpoint Id are same, the sanity check in step#6 passes. However, now the backup cursor returns the `checkpointTimestamp` as TS(90) (ie, step #3 value) instead of actual checkpoint ts value at which WT opened backup cursor, which is TS(100).

      Before SERVER-81032, given the fact WT takes checkpoint lock when opening the backup cursor (step #5) and for the entire checkpoint job, at step#6, calling the getLastStableRecoveryTimestamp() would guarantee to return at least TS(100), in the above case . And, I think, any new checkpoints between step#5 and #6 is uninteresting. So, it's ok, even if Step#6 reads the stale last checkpoint ts.


      My proposal would be to make step 6 to use the original way , which is  using `getLastStableRecoveryTimestamp()`


            gregory.noma@mongodb.com Gregory Noma
            suganthi.mani@mongodb.com Suganthi Mani
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