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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-81260

Streams: Perf numbers for various workloads

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • Atlas Streams
    • Fully Compatible
    • Sprint 32, Sprint 33
    • 135


      Conversation above ^

      aadesh  13 days ago

      @ kenny.gorman re: throughput numbers for streams 
      aadesh  13 days ago

      was chatting with Sandeep, so tomorrow im planning on getting a bunch of numbers together with various set ups. We have a few genny workloads setup for streams right now but those are using the in-memory source/sink operators so not super reflective of production setups. So plan is to run those same workloads against a kafka source in different regions with streams running in us-east-1 so that we have throughput numbers on a kafka source pipelines, and then send over a bunch of throughput numbers to you for each workload and source operator setuphows that generally sound? * in-memory source operator

      • same region kafka -> mstreams
      • different regions kafka -> mstreams

      will run that set up for every workload we have in genny ^ along with the avg document size (in bytes) that we're using for those workloads
      aadesh  13 days ago

      @ kenny.gorman
      aadesh  13 days ago

      each workload will be a diff type of stream pipeline and document size
      Sandeep Dhoot  13 days ago

      @aadesh we will want to change pipelines later and get these numbers a few times. So please do try to make the whole process repeatable.
      Joe Niemiec  13 days ago

      I think it makes since it'll be good to have some baseline idea of the impact of a bandwidth delay product with cross region
      Joe Niemiec  13 days ago

      I would make sure you really document how your Kafka setup is as well, Kafka tends to rely heavily on Linux page cache so there could be a difference between a Kafka which has buffered properly versus one that isn't because it's cold (edited) 
      Joe Niemiec  13 days ago

      We also have some customers where reading change streams could potentially be cross region or  merging to a cluster cross region (edited) 
      kenny.gorman  13 days ago

      Maybe I missed it but we need source and sink variations. Like Kafka to Kafka and Kafka to Mongo. To a lesser degree we need change stream source to Mongo.
      kenny.gorman  13 days ago

      Yeah exact Kafka config is important. Repeatable is critical. Maybe something anyone can run not just engineering (thinking field) but maybe I am being too optimistic
      kenny.gorman  13 days ago

      This is awesome guys. Can’t wait to see the results
      Sandeep Dhoot  13 days ago

      Btw sources/sinks will introduce variability in results for N different reasons (source is in different region, unique kind of Kafka deployment). It would require too much effort to try to cover all the different scenarios. I hope we can just test with only a couple of difference scenarios and use those as ballpark numbers. (edited) 
      kenny.gorman  12 days ago

      A couple different scenarios is what I meant yes, not all
      kenny.gorman  12 days ago

      The main one is intra-region from kafka to mongodb, and intra region mongodb to mongodb. I am not sure (@ joe) if we have lots of Kafka to kafka use cases just yet.

      Joe Niemiec  12 days ago

      some rough telemetry based on data I have for combinations over 30 customers (a customer may do more then 1 pattern)CS 2 Kafka - 7
      Kafka 2 Col - 12
      Kafka 2 Kafka - 8
      CS 2 Collection - 14
      Joe Niemiec  12 days ago

      so really Kafka to Collection and CS to Collection are the top dogs
      aadesh  12 days ago

      perf thats super helpful
      aadesh  11 days ago

      re: repeatability, might take a bit more time on getting to system where we can easily repeat different setups for different stream pipelines

      need to make various changes to existing perf tooling infra (DSI specifically) to distinguish mongod vs mstreams, but looking into that more today so that we can get to a place where its easy to do all this

            aadesh.patel@mongodb.com Aadesh Patel (Inactive)
            aadesh.patel@mongodb.com Aadesh Patel (Inactive)
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