Resolution: Fixed
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: 4.2.0, 4.4.0, 5.0.0, 6.0.0, 7.0.0
Component/s: None
Catalog and Routing
Fully Compatible
v7.2, v7.0, v6.0, v5.0, v4.4
CAR Team 2023-11-13, CAR Team 2023-11-27, CAR Team 2023-12-11, CAR Team 2023-12-25, CAR Team 2024-01-08, CAR Team 2024-01-22, CAR Team 2024-02-05
This issue is included in MongoDB System Alert: Sharded multi-document transactions may perform operations using inconsistent sharding metadata. The information below describes only the behavior and impact related to SERVER-82353. Please see the consolidated issue page for guidance on identifying if you are impacted by these issues and remediation.
Operations within a multi-document transaction may not correctly read, or be applied to documents if they belong to unsharded collections within a database that is migrating between shards as part of a movePrimary operation:
- Reads may return incomplete results
- Update or delete operations may not be applied to documents
During the course of a multi-document transaction on an unsharded collection, and concurrent movePrimary operations on the same collection, a portion of the unsharded collection may not be visible to the transaction.
This behavior affects multi-document transactions using a Read Concern of 'local' (default for reads), 'majority', or 'snapshot'.
The issue affects MongoDB versions:
- MongoDB 4.4.0 through 4.4.28
- MongoDB 5.0.0 through 5.0.24
- MongoDB 6.0.0 through 6.0.13
- MongoDB 7.0.0 through 7.0.5
- MongoDB Rapid Release 7.1.0, 7.1.1, 7.2.0
The minimum conditions for the issue to manifest (all must be met) are:
- Sharded cluster with more than one shard;
- A movePrimary command was issued concurrently with...
- A workload which uses either of:
- A multi-statement transaction, that:
- Runs at local, majority, or snapshot read concern, and
- Performs operations on unsharded collections being moved by the movePrimary command;
- Queryable Encryption
- Where the database being migrated contains collections which have one or more encrypted fields
- A multi-statement transaction, that:
This issue occurs because, under these conditions, transactions against unsharded collections concurrently migrated via movePrimary perform operations on an earlier, intermediate-cloned state of the data. When this happens, a multi-document transaction may return partial results or not modify the expected documents.
The table below describes what types of operations may be impacted, and how:
What is affected | Effect | Downstream Effect |
Reads or Writes outside of a transaction | None | None |
Within a transaction - Reads or Writes to any sharded collection, or unsharded collections outside of a migrating database | None | None |
Writes to unsharded collections within a migrating database | Updates or deletes may miss documents which should be targeted. Inserts on collections with unique indexes may fail with a duplicate key exception and automatically abort the transaction if they depend on update or delete operations which miss documents. Writes on newly inserted documents will be correctly applied. |
Application level inconsistencies between documents. No replica set inconsistencies or index inconsistencies. |
Reads from unsharded collections within a migrating database. | Possible incomplete results. | Application-introduced inconsistencies if reads would prompt additional action. |
If your workload utilizes multi-document transactions on a sharded cluster meeting the criteria above, we recommend that you:
- Upgrade to MongoDB 5.0.25, MongoDB 6.0.14, MongoDB 7.0.6, or MongoDB Rapid Release 7.2.1
- See the Remediation section below
See MongoDB System Alert: Sharded multi-document transactions may perform operations using inconsistent sharding metadata for guidance on assessing if you are impacted and the recommended remediation steps.
original description
Consider a multi-document transaction with readConcern=snapshot (without atClusterTime provided by the client) involving an unsharded collection, and the following interleaving:
1. Mongos chooses the 'atClusterTime' at which the transaction will run. Let's say it choses TS100.
2. Concurrently, a movePrimary executes. The recipient finishes cloning documents at TS200, and the operation commits at TS210.
3. MovePrimary finishes and mongos becomes aware of the new db-primary shard.
4. Now mongos proceed with routing the transaction statement to the new primary, but with atClusterTime=TS100.
5. On the shard, the databaseVersion check will pass, but the transaction will execute with a data snapshot @TS100, so it won't see the documents.
This can cause reads to not see the expected data, and writes to not modify the expected documents.
Edit: A similar bug can occur with readConcerns other than snapshot. For instance, consider initially shard1 owns dbA, and shard2 owns dbB:
1. Mongos targets a first transaction statement for dbA to shard1. This opens a snapshot at T100 on that shard.
2. MovePrimary moves dbB to shard1, which commits at T200.
3. Mongos targets a second statement for dbB to shard1. DatabaseVersion check passes, but the snapshot used by the transaction on shard1 does not contain the expected data for dbB.
- causes
PYTHON-4182 [Build Failure] test_unpin_after_TransientTransactionError_error_on_abort
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-77506 Sharded multi-document transactions can mismatch data and ShardVersion
- Closed
DRIVERS-2816 Gossip cluster time from internal MongoClient to session entities
- Implementing