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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-8313

Why slave always crash due to duplicated key?

    • Type: Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 2.2.2
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Environment:
      CentOS 6.3

      We have several shardings, each sharding has 3 nodes(1 primary, 1 slave, 1 arbiter). On one of those shardings, slave crashes for many times due to the same reason:

      Log from slave node:

      Mon Jan 14 20:17:16 [rsBackgroundSync] replSet syncing to: test-mongodb-online01.company.internal:27018
      Mon Jan 14 20:17:17 [conn361741] end connection (131 connections now open)
      Mon Jan 14 20:17:17 [rsSync] replSet error possible failover clock skew issue? 50f3f741:305
      Mon Jan 14 20:17:17 [conn361832] end connection (130 connections now open)
      Mon Jan 14 20:17:17 [repl writer worker 1] ERROR: writer worker caught exception: E11000 duplicate key error index: test.test.$user_id_1_doc_id_1 dup key: { : "40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075", : 331282 } on: { ts: Timestamp 1358165814000|175, h: -7276577398417103929, v: 2, op: "i", ns: "test.test", o:

      { _id: "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282", user_id: "40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075", doc_id: 331282, col1: 277939, col2: 31, col3: -1, col4: 1358165766, col5: 2 }

      Mon Jan 14 20:17:17 [repl writer worker 1] Fatal Assertion 16360
      0xaffd31 0xac5323 0x9a2e56 0xad35cd 0xb45ba9 0x3d56407851 0x3d560e767d
      /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x21) [0xaffd31]
      /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo13fassertFailedEi+0xa3) [0xac5323]
      /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo7replset14multiSyncApplyERKSt6vectorINS_7BSONObjESaIS2_EEPNS0_8SyncTailE+0x156) [0x9a2e56]
      /usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo10threadpool6Worker4loopEv+0x26d) [0xad35cd]
      /usr/bin/mongod() [0xb45ba9]
      /lib64/libpthread.so.0() [0x3d56407851]
      /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x3d560e767d]
      Mon Jan 14 20:17:17 [repl writer worker 1]

      ***aborting after fassert() failure


      The following shows the indexes of our collection, user_id is our shard key:

      test1:PRIMARY> use test
      switched to db test
      test1:PRIMARY> db.test.getIndexes()
      "v" : 1,
      "key" :

      { "_id" : 1 }

      "ns" : "test.test",
      "name" : "id"
      "v" : 1,
      "key" :

      { "user_id" : 1 }

      "ns" : "test.test",
      "name" : "user_id_1"
      "v" : 1,
      "key" :

      { "user_id" : 1, "doc_id" : 1 }

      "unique" : true,
      "ns" : "test.test",
      "name" : "user_id_1_doc_id_1"

      We have examined the oplog regarding the specific key, and we don't find any clues that we break the idempotency. Could anyone give me some advices? Thanks.

      test1:PRIMARY> use local
      switched to db local
      test1:PRIMARY> db.oplog.rs.find(

      { "op" : "i", "o.user_id" : "40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075" }

      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165814000, 175), "h" : NumberLong("-7276577398417103929"), "v" : 2, "op" : "i", "ns" : "test.test", "o" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282", "user_id" : "40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075", "doc_id" : 331282, "col1" : 277939, "col2" : 31, "col3" : -1, "col4" : 1358165766, "col5" : 2 }


      test1:PRIMARY> db.oplog.rs.find(

      { "op" : "u", "o2._id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165862000, 502), "h" : NumberLong("-2969379546764696617"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165857 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165857 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165857 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165857 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165857 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165862000, 847), "h" : NumberLong("-9174841252872684216"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165865000, 819), "h" : NumberLong("8728551110388921671"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165866000, 149), "h" : NumberLong("-5398085733751542631"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165860 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165868000, 974), "h" : NumberLong("-472422500396759906"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165862 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165862 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165862 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165862 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165862 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165869000, 1635), "h" : NumberLong("-2936801391795544718"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165847 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165847 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165847 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165847 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165847 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165871000, 328), "h" : NumberLong("4783438901816552532"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165868 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165868 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165868 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165868 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165868 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165871000, 923), "h" : NumberLong("-7701283919644547362"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165831 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165831 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165831 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165831 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165831 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165877000, 217), "h" : NumberLong("905044855275590032"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165858 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165858 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165858 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165858 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165858 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165878000, 321), "h" : NumberLong("1021697642751326149"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165814 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165814 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165814 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165814 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165814 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165878000, 1479), "h" : NumberLong("-1093460978146924040"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165861 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165861 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165861 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165861 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165861 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165881000, 253), "h" : NumberLong("7582300884665231609"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165886000, 194), "h" : NumberLong("-6977646000941125783"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165841 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165841 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165841 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165841 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165841 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165891000, 8), "h" : NumberLong("4878117036357406261"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165882 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165882 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165882 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165882 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165882 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165925000, 1403), "h" : NumberLong("-4218451351552474554"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165892 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165892 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165892 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165892 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165892 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165926000, 37), "h" : NumberLong("8166869776502988491"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165926000, 1020), "h" : NumberLong("-2018291843739556146"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165913 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165913 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165913 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165913 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165913 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165926000, 1578), "h" : NumberLong("-728060886959932591"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165888 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165888 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165888 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165888 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165888 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165932000, 363), "h" : NumberLong("-2899178056259116954"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165873 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165873 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165873 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165873 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165873 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165933000, 361), "h" : NumberLong("3881140476962009969"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165883 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165939000, 359), "h" : NumberLong("-7011314542025612956"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165899 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165899 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165899 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165899 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165899 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165942000, 1288), "h" : NumberLong("8584958629205924536"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165882 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165882 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165882 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165882 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165882 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165983000, 778), "h" : NumberLong("-1825276314084065452"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165918 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165918 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165918 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165918 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165918 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165991000, 747), "h" : NumberLong("-6136876944333387998"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165935 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165935 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165935 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165935 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165935 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165992000, 568), "h" : NumberLong("-628829561541387552"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165981 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165981 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165981 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165981 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165981 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165992000, 1586), "h" : NumberLong("2249883926090089681"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165880 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165880 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165880 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165880 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165880 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358165993000, 913), "h" : NumberLong("-2406566488359488622"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165986 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165986 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165986 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165986 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165986 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166031000, 414), "h" : NumberLong("2038488693111769456"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165985 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165985 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165985 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165985 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165985 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166036000, 694), "h" : NumberLong("9076849425697437764"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165981 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165981 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165981 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165981 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165981 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166050000, 1186), "h" : NumberLong("3767029040654546262"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165996 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165996 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165996 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165996 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165996 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166057000, 465), "h" : NumberLong("4054304491520021028"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166056 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166056 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166056 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166056 }

      , "$set" :

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      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166057000, 867), "h" : NumberLong("-8241200638844377915"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166049 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166049 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166049 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166049 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166049 }

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      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166093000, 283), "h" : NumberLong("8163250488038851407"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165996 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165996 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165996 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165996 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165996 }

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      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166114000, 1077), "h" : NumberLong("3933283505264467446"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166073 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166073 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166073 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166073 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166073 }

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      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166116000, 1092), "h" : NumberLong("-3910445542003046573"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166059 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166059 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166059 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166059 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166059 }

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      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166123000, 19), "h" : NumberLong("-3379893690547749158"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165899 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165899 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165899 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165899 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165899 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166124000, 222), "h" : NumberLong("-1554362852666524628"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166046 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166046 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166046 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166046 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166046 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166124000, 1013), "h" : NumberLong("-6412016679312996442"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166100 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166100 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166100 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166100 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166100 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166162000, 1284), "h" : NumberLong("-3760011584546642058"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166058 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166058 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166058 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166058 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166058 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166163000, 190), "h" : NumberLong("-1824466010869690902"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165987 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165987 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165987 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165987 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165987 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166170000, 450), "h" : NumberLong("-6006134238326624856"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166167 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166167 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166167 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166167 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166167 }

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      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166173000, 1574), "h" : NumberLong("-38881893422671401"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166096 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166096 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166096 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166096 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166096 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166179000, 141), "h" : NumberLong("-4873708995553826291"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166108 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166108 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166108 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166108 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166108 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358166187000, 372), "h" : NumberLong("2509842530284094589"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166178 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166178 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166178 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166178 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166178 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358179966000, 593), "h" : NumberLong("-4290646640946455411"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165806 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165806 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165806 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165806 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165806 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358179972000, 725), "h" : NumberLong("7234604075717479874"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165803 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165803 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165803 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165803 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358165803 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358180031000, 1444), "h" : NumberLong("7308405316679414687"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166170 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166170 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166170 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166170 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166170 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358180102000, 1710), "h" : NumberLong("3814167846358794846"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166102 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166102 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166102 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166102 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166102 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358180154000, 1605), "h" : NumberLong("-8728984085139165017"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166096 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166096 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166096 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166096 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166096 }

      } }
      { "ts" : Timestamp(1358180158000, 669), "h" : NumberLong("-4665390581863594269"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "test.test", "o2" :

      { "_id" : "2013-01-14_40b2d10559dd731750839a20b78ac075_331282" }

      , "o" : { "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166117 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166117 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166117 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166117 }

      , "$set" :

      { "col4" : 1358166117 }

      } }

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dongzaixx Dong Wei
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
