Uploaded image for project: 'Core Server'
  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-8319

Server crashes when trying to append arrays (driver: rmongodb)

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Critical - P2 Critical - P2
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 2.2.2
    • Component/s: Stability
    • Environment:
      OS: Windows 7 (64 Bit)
      R 2.15.1
      rmongodb 1.0.5

      // DESCRIPTION //

      Suppose there is a simple document with an 'tags' array:

      _id : 7 51005201f8ab44f1690f9526
      tags : 4
      1 : 2 a
      2 : 2 b
      3 : 2 c

      The server crashes when I try to append this array either via the '$push' or the '$addToSet' operator.

      // LOGFILE OUTPUT //

      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1]  __test.test Assertion failure x == _nfields src\mongo\db\jsobj.cpp 1250
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    ...\src\mongo\util\stacktrace.cpp(161)                           mongo::printStackTrace+0x3e
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    ...\src\mongo\util\assert_util.cpp(109)                          mongo::verifyFailed+0xdc
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    ...\src\mongo\db\jsobj.cpp(1250)                                 mongo::BSONIteratorSorted::BSONIteratorSorted+0xf3
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    ...\src\mongo\db\ops\update_internal.cpp(906)                    mongo::ModSetState::createNewFromMods+0xa3
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    ...\src\mongo\db\ops\update.cpp(370)                             mongo::_updateObjects+0x15a2
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    ...\src\mongo\db\instance.cpp(573)                               mongo::receivedUpdate+0x60d
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    ...\src\mongo\db\instance.cpp(437)                               mongo::assembleResponse+0x626
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    ...\src\mongo\db\db.cpp(192)                                     mongo::MyMessageHandler::process+0xf5
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    ...\src\mongo\util\net\message_server_port.cpp(86)               mongo::pms::threadRun+0x59a
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    ...\src\third_party\boost\libs\thread\src\win32\thread.cpp(180)  boost::`anonymous namespace'::thread_start_function+0x21
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_64_amd64\crt\src\threadex.c(314)      _callthreadstartex+0x17
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] mongod.exe    f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_64_amd64\crt\src\threadex.c(292)      _threadstartex+0x7f
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] kernel32.dll                                                                   BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:44 [conn1] update __test.test query: { tags: "a" } update: { $push: { tags: "d" } } nscanned:1 keyUpdates:0 exception: assertion src\mongo\db\jsobj.cpp:1250 locks(micros) w:398335 399ms
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT signal
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] got CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT, will terminate after current cmd ends
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] now exiting
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 dbexit: 
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] closing listening socket: 496
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] closing listening socket: 516
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: going to close sockets...
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: lock for final commit...
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: final commit...
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [conn1] end connection (0 connections now open)
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: closing all files...
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] closeAllFiles() finished
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] journalCleanup...
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] removeJournalFiles
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: removing fs lock...
      Thu Jan 24 16:42:48 dbexit: really exiting now 

        1. mongodblog_approach1_20130129235213.txt
          2 kB
          Janko Thyson
        2. mongodblog_approach2_20130130003711.txt
          3 kB
          Janko Thyson
        3. mongodblog_approach3_20130130004721.txt
          2 kB
          Janko Thyson
        4. mongodblog_approach4_20130130005044.txt
          3 kB
          Janko Thyson
        5. mongodblog_approach5_20130130011419.txt
          2 kB
          Janko Thyson
        6. mongodblog_approach6_20130130011956.txt
          2 kB
          Janko Thyson
        7. push.R
          14 kB
          Janko Thyson

            stephen.steneker@mongodb.com Stennie Steneker (Inactive)
            rappster Janko Thyson
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
