The movePrimay donor performs a drop of all the cloned collections at the end of the DDL operation.
Currently, the drop of <db>.system.views collection may fail if sharded views live on the donor shard. The error msg of the drop is this: "cannot drop collection <nss> when time-series collections are present".
Therefore, if another movePrimary tries to move back the DBPrimary to the original shard, the operation will fail with the error "Found orphaned collection <db>.system.views on recipient" error.
To fix it, we need to force the drop of any system collections on MovePrimaryCoordinator::dropStaleDataOnDonor().
- is caused by
SERVER-58170 Prohibit dropping system.views if timeseries collections are present
- Closed
- is depended on by
SERVER-78852 Test movePrimary and $out running concurrently
- Closed