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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-84143

Improve Windows Debugging capabilities for BSON and core dumps

    • Storage Execution
    • Fully Compatible
    • v8.0, v7.3, v7.0, v6.0, v5.0
    • Execution Team 2024-01-08, Execution Team 2024-01-22, Execution Team 2024-03-04, Execution Team 2024-04-15
    • 45

      Assortment of improvements:

      1. For non-debug evergreen builds (i.e. check for enableTestCommands), consider adding more information to the minidump configuration (MS docs, SO post):
        • MiniDumpWithThreadInfo
        • MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules
        • MiniDumpIgnoreInaccessibleMemory
        • MiniDumpWithTokenInformation
      2. Allow the windows debugging types for BSON in all windows builds, including them in non-debug builds will aid debugging and shouldn't have any user impact.
      3. Investigate improvements to the spawnhost script that will make the natvis file available to Visual Studio without user interaction. Will simply copying it to the right directory allow this?


            matt.kneiser@mongodb.com Matt Kneiser
            matt.kneiser@mongodb.com Matt Kneiser
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
