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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-84390

Fix timeseries_predicates.js to actually test what it purports to be testing

    • Query Integration
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      In attempt to cover various data distributions across buckets in a time-series collection the test driver automatically generates 2^N cases for each case of input documents and uses a non-time-series collection as an oracle to check the results.

      1. SERVER-71800 made the test somewhat faster (it now takes ~3min in my local runs) but the change wasn't ported to prior releases. Sometimes (BF-30944) it times out.
      2. Per the change for SERVER-73697 the test was modified in such a way that, while still running through 2^N variations per input, it stopped distributing the inputs across different buckets.
      3. Starting from 5.2 the mixed-type buckets aren't created so we need a failpoint or some other way to force heterogeneous buckets to test that filtering of upgraded time-series is still correct.

      In post 5.2 there is no failpoint to create mixed-schema buckets by inserting into the user-facing time-series view. However, we can write directly into the system buckets collection. On the storage side this should set timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData flag (after SERVER-84531 is fixed).

      It also looks like the tests in this file have been extended to cover scenarios that are unrelated to mixed-schema bucketing (e.g. for

      {"mt.a": {$size: 1}}

      These tests should probably find a new home.

            backlog-query-integration [DO NOT USE] Backlog - Query Integration
            irina.yatsenko@mongodb.com Irina Yatsenko (Inactive)
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