In sharded 7.2 clusters, the object inside $searchMeta is not being correctly passed to shards after PlanShardedSearch
When running an aggregation pipeline like
[ { '$searchMeta': { index: 'drugs', facet: { operator: { exists: { path: 'id' } }, facets: { manufacturers: { type: 'string', path: 'openfda.manufacturer_name', numBuckets: 10 }, routes: { type: 'string', path: 'openfda.route', numBuckets: 10 } } } } } ]
We can see this line in logs (verbosity set to 5):
mongos_1 | {"t":{"$date":"2024-01-24T23:16:42.756+00:00"},"s":"D4", "c":"ASIO", "id":22596, "ctx":"conn63","msg":"startCommand","attr":{"request":"RemoteCommand 3610 -- target:[mongod3.internal:27017] db:ClinicalTrials cmd:{ aggregate: \"drug_data\", pipeline: [ { $searchMeta: { mongotQuery: { index: \"drugs\", facet: { operator: { exists: { path: \"id\" } }, facets: { manufacturers: { type: \"string\", path: \"openfda.manufacturer_name\", numBuckets: 10 }, routes: { type: \"string\", path: \"openfda.route\", numBuckets: 10 } } } }, metadataMergeProtocolVersion: 1, limit: 0, sortSpec: { $searchScore: -1 } } } ], cursor: { batchSize: 101 }, let: { NOW: { $literal: new Date(1706138202749) }, CLUSTER_TIME: { $literal: Timestamp(1706138199, 1) } }, fromMongos: true, readConcern: { level: \"local\", provenance: \"implicitDefault\" }, writeConcern: { w: \"majority\", wtimeout: 0, provenance: \"implicitDefault\" }, shardVersion: { e: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000'), t: Timestamp(0, 0), v: Timestamp(0, 0) }, databaseVersion: { uuid: UUID(\"d802bb99-99e8-459c-9cbe-f2f0022b87ba\"), timestamp: Timestamp(1706136857, 2), lastMod: 1 }, clientOperationKey: UUID(\"b007cb63-4766-4610-ad39-7581861db2b5\"), lsid: { id: UUID(\"b3530e27-f57f-47a4-8fc0-04a7cc551bed\"), uid: BinData(0, A009A5C38A39FA832F5D8E5FA067A58CC80A0E8F29A0F501773556AC0B1B33AD) } }"}}
The relevant part of this line, post-formatting, is:
{ pipeline: [ { $searchMeta: { mongotQuery: { index: "drugs", facet: { operator: { exists: { path: "id" } }, facets: { manufacturers: { type: "string", path: "openfda.manufacturer_name", numBuckets: 10 }, routes: { type: "string", path: "openfda.route", numBuckets: 10 } } } }, metadataMergeProtocolVersion: 1, limit: 0, sortSpec: { $searchScore: -1 } } } ] }
Notice that in this pipeline, there is a "mongotQuery" object inside $searchMeta - this object should not exist. Keys+values inside this mongotQuery object should be children of the $searchMeta object.
This is making it so that users are unable to use search facets on sharded clusters on version 7.2.0.
- is related to
SERVER-78159 Merge DocumentSourceInternalSearchMongotRemote and DocumentSourceInternalIdLookup into DocumentSourceSearch
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-89128 forward-port test changes from v7.0 backport of SERVER-85694
- Closed
SERVER-86097 Try not to call planShardedSearch on mongos if we will not need to merge results (unsharded or single shard)
- Backlog