Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: 2.4.0-rc0
Component/s: None
Using this:
t = new ToolTest( "jsonparser" ); c = t.startDB("testcollection"); data = 'data/jsonparser'; key = "bindata"; key_value = BinData(5, "nhB9nTcrtoJr2B01QqQZ1g=="); c=t.db.getCollection("testcollection"); // true is to enable field names to start with $ // e.g. $undefined c.insert({key: key_value}, true); t.runTool( "export" , "--version"); t.runTool( "export" , "--out" , data , "-d" , t.baseName, "-c" , "testcollection"); c.drop(); assert.eq( 0 , c.count() , "after drop" ); t.runTool( "import" , "--version"); t.runTool( "import" , "--file" , data , "-d" , t.baseName, "-c" , "testcollection2"); c2=t.db.getCollection("testcollection2"); assert.soon( "c2.findOne()" , "read imported document" ); assert.eq( 1 , c2.count() , "1 doc after import" ); var doc = c2.findOne(); assert.eq( key_value , doc.key , "assert data type" ); c2.drop(); assert.eq( 0 , c2.count() , "after drop" );
It works fine on 2.2.2.
But not on 2.3.2 and 2.4.0-rc0
assert: [BinData(5,"nhB9nTcrtoJr2B01QqQZ1g==")] != [BinData(5,"77+9EH3vv703K++/ve+/vQ==")] are not equal : assert data type Error: Printing Stack Trace at printStackTrace (src/mongo/shell/utils.js:37:7) at doassert (src/mongo/shell/assert.js:6:1) at Function.assert.eq (src/mongo/shell/assert.js:32:1) at test_round_trip (jsonparser-undefined.js:22:16) at jsonparser-undefined.js:31:1 Wed Feb 20 16:38:16.332 [BinData(5,"nhB9nTcrtoJr2B01QqQZ1g==")] != [BinData(5,"77+9EH3vv703K++/ve+/vQ==")] are not equal : assert data type src/mongo/shell/assert.js:7 failed to load: jsonparser-undefined.js
mongoimport and mongoexport v2.4.0-rc0
mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.4.0-rc0/bin/mongo --nodb --norc jsonparser.js
mongoexport is saving
{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "5124fd42876fdb24f52e5722" }, "bindata" : { "$binary" : "nhB9nTcrtoJr2B01QqQZ1g==", "$type" : "05" } }
but after running mongoimport, this is what appears on the shell
{ "_id": ObjectId("512503b4c35f6f6101d2b9c6"), "key": BinData(5, "77+9EH3vv703K++/ve+/vQ==") }
note: even the objectid is different
This doesn't occur with MaxKey(), NumberLong()
- is related to
SERVER-8297 Remove three argument constructor from the V8 version of BinData
- Closed