Resolution: Fixed
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
RSS Sydney
Fully Compatible
RSS Sydney - 2024-06-11
Atlas atlas-ktz9lc-shard-0 [direct: primary] admin> db.runCommand( { autoCompact: true, freeSpaceTargetMB:1, runOnce: false }) MongoServerError[BadValue]: WiredTigerKVEngine::autoCompact() 22: Invalid argument
Tried leaving out "runOnce"
Atlas atlas-ktz9lc-shard-0 [direct: primary] admin> db.runCommand( { autoCompact: true, freeSpaceTargetMB: 1})
MongoServerError[BadValue]: WiredTigerKVEngine::autoCompact() 22: Invalid argument
The option is correct - if I change the option name it correctly tells me that option doesn't exist
Atlas atlas-ktz9lc-shard-0 [direct: primary] admin> db.runCommand( { autoCompact: true, freeSpaceTargetMb: 1, runOnce: false }) MongoServerError[IDLUnknownField]: BSON field 'autoCompact.freeSpaceTargetMb' is an unknown field.
Tried other values
Atlas atlas-ktz9lc-shard-0 [direct: primary] admin> db.runCommand( { autoCompact: true, freeSpaceTargetMB: 1024, runOnce: false }) MongoServerError[BadValue]: WiredTigerKVEngine::autoCompact() 22: Invalid argument
Tried adminCommand (which should be the same as runCommand against the admin database, but just in case)
Atlas atlas-ktz9lc-shard-0 [direct: primary] admin> db.adminCommand( { autoCompact: true, freeSpaceTargetMB: 1})
MongoServerError[BadValue]: WiredTigerKVEngine::autoCompact() 22: Invalid argument
Not sure how to actually change this from the default.
- related to
SERVER-91848 POC querying WT session for more context on error code
- Closed
WT-13203 POC using WT event handlers to improve MDB error contexts
- Closed