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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-90984

Fix exhaust hello stream to process SplitHorizonChange if response is from stale horizon.

    • Service Arch
    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL
    • v8.0, v7.3, v7.0, v6.0, v5.0
    • Show
    • Workload Scheduling 2024-05-27, Workload Scheduling 2024-06-10, Workload Scheduling 2024-06-24
    • 0

      More details in link here:

      If the RSM receives a ReplSetReconfig with new horizons shortly after responding to an isHello response, there seems to be no promise attached to the horizon in which to fulfill, and thus the ErrorCodes::SplitHorizonChange will never be sent to the node.

      If the node never receives a SplitHorizonChange, it will not drop its current Streams to the RSM, and could be receiving isHello responses from a stale horizon.

      The node should instead see that the Horizon is stale/changed, and drop its stream and re-establish an isHello stream to the new horizon.

            dominic.hernandez@mongodb.com Dominic Hernandez (Inactive)
            dominic.hernandez@mongodb.com Dominic Hernandez (Inactive)
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            9 Start watching this issue
