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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-92526

Improve handling of regex for shard filtering in MongoS

    • Query Optimization

      MongoS is not able to do proper shard pruning in the case the shard key filter in the find command uses a rooted regex. The following illustrates how a suboptimal shard pruning can be achieved. In the case of a rooted regext MongoS should be able to prune the shards more aggressively. Similar like a $GTE would achieve in this case. 

      1. Loading data and splitting the data manually:
      use test
      sh.shardCollection("test.b", {_id:1})
      db.b.insertOne({_id:"aa1", a:1})
      db.b.insertOne({_id:"bb1", a:1})
      db.b.insertOne({_id:"cc1", a:1})
      sh.splitAt( "test.b", { "_id": "b" } )
      sh.splitAt( "test.b", { "_id": "c" } )

       2. Then redistributing the data to all 3 shards, and checking the data distribution:

      > db.adminCommand( { moveChunk : "test.b" ,  find : {"_id" : "aa1"} ,  to : "shard01" })
      > db.adminCommand( { moveChunk : "test.b" ,  find : {"_id" : "bb1"} ,  to : "shard02" })
      > sh.status()
       collections: {
            'test.b': {
              shardKey: { _id: 1 },
              unique: false,
              balancing: true,
              chunkMetadata: [
                { shard: 'shard01', nChunks: 1 },
                { shard: 'shard02', nChunks: 1 },
                { shard: 'shard03', nChunks: 1 }
              chunks: [
                { min: { _id: MinKey() }, max: { _id: 'b' }, 'on shard': 'shard01', 'last modified': Timestamp({ t: 2, i: 0 }) },
                { min: { _id: 'b' }, max: { _id: 'c' }, 'on shard': 'shard02', 'last modified': Timestamp({ t: 3, i: 0 }) },
                { min: { _id: 'c' }, max: { _id: MaxKey() }, 'on shard': 'shard03', 'last modified': Timestamp({ t: 3, i: 1 }) }
              tags: []
      1. And now the first query plan execution:
      > db.b.find({_id: {$regex: "^aa"}}).explain()
        queryPlanner: {
          mongosPlannerVersion: 1,
          winningPlan: {
            stage: 'SHARD_MERGE',
            shards: [
                shardName: 'shard01',
                connectionString: 'shard01/localhost:27019,localhost:27020,localhost:27021',
                serverInfo: {
                  host: 'W-G93DVT3',
                  port: 27020,
                  version: '6.0.16',
                  gitVersion: '1bbe71e91a41b097b19d036dee47b861b3f27181'
                namespace: 'test.b',
                indexFilterSet: false,
                parsedQuery: { _id: { '$regex': '^aa' } },
                queryHash: '79357726',
                planCacheKey: '7581FD14',
                maxIndexedOrSolutionsReached: false,
                maxIndexedAndSolutionsReached: false,
                maxScansToExplodeReached: false,
                winningPlan: {
                  stage: 'FETCH',
                  inputStage: {
                    stage: 'SHARDING_FILTER',
                    inputStage: {
                      stage: 'IXSCAN',
                      keyPattern: { _id: 1 },
                      indexName: '_id_',
                      isMultiKey: false,
                      multiKeyPaths: { _id: [] },
                      isUnique: true,
                      isSparse: false,
                      isPartial: false,
                      indexVersion: 2,
                      direction: 'forward',
                      indexBounds: { _id: [ '["aa", "ab")', '[/^aa/, /^aa/]' ] }
                rejectedPlans: []
                shardName: 'shard03',
                connectionString: 'shard03/localhost:27025,localhost:27026,localhost:27027',
                serverInfo: {
                  host: 'W-G93DVT3',
                  port: 27025,
                  version: '6.0.16',
                  gitVersion: '1bbe71e91a41b097b19d036dee47b861b3f27181'
                namespace: 'test.b',
                indexFilterSet: false,
                parsedQuery: { _id: { '$regex': '^aa' } },
                queryHash: '79357726',
                planCacheKey: '7581FD14',
                maxIndexedOrSolutionsReached: false,
                maxIndexedAndSolutionsReached: false,
                maxScansToExplodeReached: false,
                winningPlan: {
                  stage: 'FETCH',
                  inputStage: {
                    stage: 'SHARDING_FILTER',
                    inputStage: {
                      stage: 'IXSCAN',
                      keyPattern: { _id: 1 },
                      indexName: '_id_',
                      isMultiKey: false,
                      multiKeyPaths: { _id: [] },
                      isUnique: true,
                      isSparse: false,
                      isPartial: false,
                      indexVersion: 2,
                      direction: 'forward',
                      indexBounds: { _id: [ '["aa", "ab")', '[/^aa/, /^aa/]' ] }
                rejectedPlans: []
        serverInfo: {
          host: 'W-G93DVT3',
          port: 27017,
          version: '6.0.16',
          gitVersion: '1bbe71e91a41b097b19d036dee47b861b3f27181'
        serverParameters: {
          internalQueryFacetBufferSizeBytes: 104857600,
          internalQueryFacetMaxOutputDocSizeBytes: 104857600,
          internalLookupStageIntermediateDocumentMaxSizeBytes: 104857600,
          internalDocumentSourceGroupMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600,
          internalQueryMaxBlockingSortMemoryUsageBytes: 104857600,
          internalQueryProhibitBlockingMergeOnMongoS: 0,
          internalQueryMaxAddToSetBytes: 104857600,
          internalDocumentSourceSetWindowFieldsMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600
        command: {
          find: 'b',
          filter: { _id: { '$regex': '^aa' } },
          lsid: { id: UUID('11bc9e47-4860-41e4-adcb-ce98d9dd4a79') },
          '$clusterTime': {
            clusterTime: Timestamp({ t: 1720616947, i: 1 }),
            signature: {
              hash: Binary.createFromBase64('SbIf7jFRvkwTtPDorRtDz4m1RDo=', 0),
              keyId: Long('7389660269795868697')
          '$db': 'test'
        ok: 1,
        '$clusterTime': {
          clusterTime: Timestamp({ t: 1720616950, i: 1 }),
          signature: {
            hash: Binary.createFromBase64('jryXI+XkgoA9ZCg1D6PSZlhC7Vs=', 0),
            keyId: Long('7389660269795868697')
        operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1720616947, i: 1 })
      1. And the second query plan execution:
      > db.b.find({_id: {$regex: "^aaddd"}}).explain()
        queryPlanner: {
          mongosPlannerVersion: 1,
          winningPlan: {
            stage: 'SHARD_MERGE',
            shards: [
                shardName: 'shard01',
                connectionString: 'shard01/localhost:27019,localhost:27020,localhost:27021',
                serverInfo: {
                  host: 'W-G93DVT3',
                  port: 27020,
                  version: '6.0.16',
                  gitVersion: '1bbe71e91a41b097b19d036dee47b861b3f27181'
                namespace: 'test.b',
                indexFilterSet: false,
                parsedQuery: { _id: { '$regex': '^aaddd' } },
                queryHash: '79357726',
                planCacheKey: '7581FD14',
                maxIndexedOrSolutionsReached: false,

      This optimization should only be done for strongly typed fields that disallow regular expression as values. As illustrated in the case above the _id field is the current only known field that would disallow it. Yet enabling this optimization for _id based sharding still provides value as there are enough usecases.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            peter.volk@mongodb.com Peter Volk
            1 Vote for this issue
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