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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-9338

db.runCommand( { compact: '<collection>' } ) on a primary decrements maintenanceMode

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      1. Create a replica set with 3 members under MongoDB 2.2.3
      2. Run db.runCommand( { compact: '<collection>' }

        ) in the mongo shell for the primary

      3. Note that this produces an error, as expected
      4. Run rs.status() - maintenanceMode will be -1 for the primary member.

      Each time step 2 above is repeated, maintenanceMode is decremented one more for the primary (with or without force: true).

      Create a replica set with 3 members under MongoDB 2.2.3 Run db.runCommand( { compact: '<collection>' } ) in the mongo shell for the primary Note that this produces an error, as expected Run rs.status() - maintenanceMode will be -1 for the primary member. Each time step 2 above is repeated, maintenanceMode is decremented one more for the primary (with or without force: true).

      We have a replica set with 3 members running MongoDB 2.2.3. After running db.runCommand(

      { compact: '<collection>' }

      ) twice on the primary (first without force: true to see the expected error message, and then again with it to actually compact the collection), rs.status() showed maintenanceMode: -2 for the primary member. After some investigation, I ran the command again (without force: true) and confirmed that it decremented again to -3:

              "_id" : 0,
              "name" : "ec2-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com:27017",
              "health" : 1,
              "state" : 1,
              "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
              "uptime" : 2833099,
              "optime" : Timestamp(1365604059000, 1),
              "optimeDate" : ISODate("2013-04-10T14:27:39Z"),
              "maintenanceMode" : -3,
              "self" : true

      After stepping down the primary, maintenanceMode was not shown in rs.status() on the new primary, but on stepping that one down and the original primary taking over again, it was still -3 there. Restarting mongod appears to have reset maintenanceMode now and it no longer appears in rs.status().

      I couldn't find any mention of this in the documentation or anywhere online. I'm not familiar with C++ so could easily have missed something, but it looks to me as if the problem might be that there is no check on theReplSet->isSecondary() when decrementing maintenanceMode in Command::execCommand, to correspond with that check when incrementing it earlier in the method. I have created a commit with this possible fix:


            andrew.emil@10gen.com Andrew Emil (Inactive)
            jennyduckett Jenny Duckett
            1 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
