Repeatedly settings query settings on the following representative query shape will eventually result into two different entries due to divergent query shape hashes:
rs0 [direct: primary] test> showSettings() [ { queryShapeHash: '995EB6C4BDA130072F8F444FA87CFE077A0D41425574A6BA83D52B89A450D6F6', settings: { indexHints: [ { ns: { db: 'asd', coll: 'asd' }, allowedIndexes: [ 'index97' ] } ] }, representativeQuery: { aggregate: 'mode_pipeline_insert_source', '$db': 'test', cursor: {}, pipeline: [ { '$merge': { let: { foo: 'bar' }, into: 'mode_pipeline_insert_target', on: '_id', whenMatched: [ { '$project': { x: '$$new.a', y: '$$new.b' } } ], whenNotMatched: 'insert' } } ] } }, { queryShapeHash: '909500D475C34413EC202AFFDD342D0252437BC4746E44D668AF8539A7184550', settings: { indexHints: [ { ns: { db: 'asd', coll: 'asd' }, allowedIndexes: [ 'index100' ] } ] }, representativeQuery: { aggregate: 'mode_pipeline_insert_source', '$db': 'test', cursor: {}, pipeline: [ { '$merge': { let: { foo: 'bar' }, into: 'mode_pipeline_insert_target', on: '_id', whenMatched: [ { '$project': { x: '$$new.a', y: '$$new.b' } } ], whenNotMatched: 'insert' } } ] } } ]
- is related to
SERVER-93881 Introduce query shape hash stability passthrough suite
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