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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-96073

Remove redundant code in shard key pattern query util

    • Query Optimization
    • Fully Compatible

      SERVER-86205 changed shard targeting so that it re-uses the original command's CanonicalQuery rather than constructing a brand new one. The original CQ can include a sort spec, which means that the index bounds produced by query planning are not guaranteed to be ascending. This violated an assumption in the shard targeting code, and SERVER-86205 included a partial fix for the violation.

      However, this was not sufficient; SERVER-95627 contains the complete fix. Now with 95627 complete, we should remove the partial fix from 86205. It's not incorrect to keep it around, but it's redundant and confusing to leave it in.

            hana.pearlman@mongodb.com Hana Pearlman
            hana.pearlman@mongodb.com Hana Pearlman
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